2017 Reading Challenge
Participants 3,087,636
Books Pledged 141,596,207
Avg. Books Pledged 45
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Will has read 60 of 60 books in 2017.
  • My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent
  • The Future Is History by Masha Gessen
  • The Invention of Ana by Mikkel Rosengaard
  • Reindeer Mountain by Karin Tidbeck
  • Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • A Hologram for the King by Dave Eggers
  • Five-Carat Soul by James   McBride
  • Artemis by Andy Weir
  • Al Franken by Al Franken
  • The Philosopher's Flight by Tom        Miller
Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell Good luck!

message 2: by Terry (new)

Terry Everett Thanks for the blessings you share with us, Will Byrnes, and Happy New Year.

message 3: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes It's my pleasure, Terry. Thanks for your good cheer and support. I hope 2017 holds at least some good things in store for us all.

message 4: by Annet (new)

Annet Happy NewYear Will, here's to a new year of excellent books! :-)

message 5: by Bogdan (new)

Bogdan Teodorescu Happy New Year Will!

message 6: by William (new)

William Luck!

message 7: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Thank you for your wonderful reviews and all the work you put into making Goodreads a wonderful community. You have introduced me to many great reads! Happy New Year Will!

message 8: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Back at ya, Andrea. But making 2017 a happy year will, I expect, take extra effort.

message 9: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Annet wrote: "Happy NewYear Will, here's to a new year of excellent books! :-)"

And Happy New Year to you. There seems never to be a shortage of excellent books to read.

message 10: by Will (last edited Jan 03, 2017 12:18AM) (new)

Will Byrnes Bogdan wrote: "Happy New Year Will!"

And Happy New Year to you as well.

message 11: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Will I agree with you...given the political climate and who is about to be inaugurated. But this year I am starting a happiness jar. Every day I will write on a piece of paper something that made me happy and at times I feel sad I will pull out a memory to read

message 12: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Got cut off. Pull out a memory to make me smile

message 13: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes You're gonna need a bigger jar

message 14: by Carol (new)

Carol Will wrote: "You're gonna need a bigger jar"

LOL! No kidding!

message 15: by Rohit (new)

Rohit Negi -good luck for 60

message 16: by Rohit (new)

Rohit Negi good luck all of you

message 17: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Back at ya, Dianne. It would be a much better year if it included Christie going on trial for his crimes.

message 18: by HBalikov (new)

HBalikov We who live under his governance are counting the days until he is out.

message 19: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Wish we could count faster

message 20: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Good luck Will!

message 21: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Stacy, and with yours.

message 22: by Steven (new)

Steven  Godin Best of wishes for 2017!

message 23: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes And to you, Steven

message 24: by Rohit (new)

Rohit Negi can i change my reading challenge to 40? is it possible

message 25: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Yes. On your profile page, click on the challenge square. When the challenge comes up there s a tiny "edit" in the upper right corner. When you click on that you can change the number of books you are targeting for the year.

message 26: by Issa (new)

Issa Deerbany Good luck
And happy reading

message 27: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Issa. you too.

message 28: by Hanneke (new)

Hanneke 60 books, Will, quite a lot! Thanks for all your great reviews! Happy New Year, may it be a really good year for you!

message 29: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Hanneke. Gelukkig nieuwjaa!

message 30: by Eric (new)

Eric Just in a nick of time! Congrats, Wiill!!

message 31: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Eric. It was a bit tough, as I lost almost a month with our big move back in May and June.

message 32: by Kylie🐾 (new)

Kylie🐾 Congratulations!😊 Happy New Year

message 33: by Kris (new)

Kris Congratulations, Will, and thank you for your reviews!

message 34: by Jen (new)

Jen Congratulations!!🎈 and thanks for continued reviews, I love reading them!

message 35: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Kylie wrote: "Congratulations!😊 Happy New Year"
Thanks, Kylie, Kris and Jen.

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