2019 Reading Challenge
Participants 4,350,139
Books Pledged 282,666,505
Avg. Books Pledged 64
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Will has read 52 of 50 books in 2019.
  • A Warning by Anonymous
  • Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson
  • Blowout by Rachel Maddow
  • On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
  • Germ Warfare by Max Brooks
  • Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout
  • Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout
  • Shamus Dust by Janet Roger
  • The World That We Knew by Alice Hoffman
  • Simon the Fiddler by Paulette Jiles
Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Good luck.

message 2: by Hanneke (new)

Hanneke Happy New Year and looking forward to your reviews of the 60 books, Will!

message 3: by Will (last edited Jan 02, 2019 04:06PM) (new)

Will Byrnes Back at ya, H. 50 reviews, maybe. One a week. There are always some books that I read without reviewing, and some weeks where logistics interfere.

message 4: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Andrea wrote: "Good luck."
Thanks, Andrea and to you on your goal of 50.

message 5: by HBalikov (new)

HBalikov The way you patiently craft your reviews, Will, sixty books is a heavy load....even without following the fortunes of those Mets!

message 6: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Well, fifty, anyway. Hopefully following the travails of the Metropolitans will not depress me so much if drops down to forty.

message 7: by Tulika (new)

Tulika Varma Good luck. Will look forward to recommendations from you.

message 8: by Hayat (new)

Hayat Good luck and happy reading, Will! :)

message 9: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Tulika and Hayat, and with yours

message 10: by James (new)

James Happy Reading in 2019! May you love all the books you choose, and cheers to sharing a few awesome ones in common. :)

message 11: by Ava Catherine (new)

Ava Catherine Happy Reading!

message 12: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Looking forward to more of your wonderful, thoughtful reviews this year!

message 13: by The Dusty Jacket (new)

The Dusty Jacket Good luck!

message 14: by Scarlett (new)

Scarlett Readz and Runz....Through Novel Time & Distance Have a wonderful reading year :)

message 15: by Vit (new)

Vit Babenco Good luck in discovering new masterpieces, Will!

message 16: by Adrian (new)

Adrian Good luck in your challenge Will

message 17: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, all.

message 18: by Adrian (new)

Adrian Will wrote: "Thanks, all."


message 19: by River (new)

River Zeal you got itni. you, i csn see you do!

message 20: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes I have no idea what that means

message 21: by Adrian (new)

Adrian Will wrote: "I have no idea what that means"


message 22: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Aranda Congratulations 🍾

message 23: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks

message 24: by Dean (new)

Dean Will congratulations my friend..
I'm so proud of you:)

message 25: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Dean

message 26: by Beata (new)

Beata Congratulations, Will :) Happy New 2020 Year to you!

message 27: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Beata, Back atchya

message 28: by Julia (new)

Julia Ash Congratulations!!! And Happy Reading in 2020, Will :)

message 29: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Julia

message 30: by Loretta (new)

Loretta Congrats on completing your reading challenge Will! 😊

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