✨Matylda ⚡ (Eida)✨

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Na Zachodnim Brze...
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Nov 22, 2023 08:45AM

In vitro. Bez str...
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Apr 03, 2021 10:47AM

Peter Singer
“If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally, to do it.”
Peter Singer

Stephen Fry
“Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.”
Stephen Fry

Jonice Webb
“When a child receives the message, even subtly or indirectly, that his emotions don't matter, he will grow up feeling, somewhere deep inside, that he himself doesn't matter.”
Jonice Webb

Jonice Webb
“Emotionally neglected people tend to be good listeners. But they are not good at talking, especially about themselves.”
Jonice Webb, Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect

Orson Scott Card
“I'll have that someday, thought Peter. Someone who'll kiss me good-bye at the door. Or maybe just someone to put a blindfold over my head before they shoot me. Depending on how things turn out.”
Orson Scott Card, Shadow of the Hegemon

179584 Our Shared Shelf — 228785 members — last activity 6 hours, 21 min ago
OUR SHARED SHELF IS CURRENTLY DORMANT AND NOT MANAGED BY EMMA AND HER TEAM. Dear Readers, As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading ...more
185174 Bookstagram — 2452 members — last activity May 20, 2024 04:48AM
For People with Book Accounts on Instagram to connect and discuss books, books pictures and bookish stuff! Started by yours truly at http://www.insta ...more
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