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If It Bleeds
Daniel is currently reading
by Stephen King (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: currently-reading, fiction, mct
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Richard Stark
“I just want you to know that if you ever need my help again, you'll have to blackmail me.”
Richard Stark, The Blackbird

“We are well advised to accept the reality that the great lessons in life often come to us through some form of extreme hardship.”
Robert White, Living an Extraordinary Life

John D. MacDonald
“There is something self-destructive about Western technology and distribution. Whenever any consumer object is so excellent that it attracts a devoted following, some of the slide rule and computer types come in on their twinkle toes and take over the store, and in a trice they figure out just how far they can cut quality and still increase market penetration. Their reasoning is that it is idiotic to make and sell a hundred thousand units of something and make 30 cents a unit when you can increase the advertising, sell five million units, and make a nickel profit a unit. Thus, the very good things of the world go down the drain, from honest turkey to honest eggs to honest tomatoes. And gin.”
John D. MacDonald, The Dreadful Lemon Sky

John D. MacDonald
“Vulnerability is the curse of the thinking classes.”
John D. MacDonald

John D. MacDonald
“The president is selling the country down the river with the help of the Supreme Court. Agree with us or you are a marked traitor. You know the sort of thing, all that tiresome pea-brained nonsense that attracts those people who are so dim-witted that the only way they can understand the world is to believe that it is all some kind of conspiracy.”
John D. MacDonald, A Deadly Shade of Gold

2072 Atheists and Skeptics — 2225 members — last activity May 11, 2024 01:48PM
This is a group meant for the discussion of atheism and skepticism and the books associated with both. Recommending books arguing for or against relig ...more
1139 Science and Inquiry — 4283 members — last activity Jul 17, 2024 06:41PM
This Group explores scientific topics. We have an active monthly book club, as well as discussions on a variety of topics including science in the new ...more
84674 Crime, Mysteries & Thrillers — 21912 members — last activity 1 hour, 5 min ago
Welcome and join us for our monthly group reads. We read Mysteries, Thrillers, and a variety of subgenres. True Crime, Cozy Mysteries, and Series are ...more
203 Stephen King Fans — 18302 members — last activity 2 hours, 59 min ago
A place for all Stephen King fans to gather and discuss his work. Welcome Constant Readers!! EST 2007
58291 Pulp Fiction — 1865 members — last activity Jul 21, 2024 01:59PM
Hard Boiled detective novels, noir, and great crime novels (old and new)
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