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Dziedzictwo Jadeitu
Malina is currently reading
by Fonda Lee (Goodreads Author)
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Jun 20, 2024 01:07PM

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Malina is currently reading
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The Spear Cuts Th...
Malina is currently reading
by Simon Jimenez (Goodreads Author)
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"Confused" Jan 25, 2024 03:35AM

See all 6 books that Malina is reading…
Book cover for King of Scars (King of Scars, #1)
“Call me Grisha. Call me zowa. Call me death, if you like.”
I'll have a T-shirt with that quote! And I'll design it myself :)
Leigh Bardugo
“The monster is me and I am the monster.”
Leigh Bardugo, King of Scars

Maggie Stiefvater
Ronan missed him like a lung.”
Maggie Stiefvater, Call Down the Hawk

Jesmyn Ward
“Sorrow is food swallowed too quickly, caught in the throat, making it nearly impossible to breathe.”
Jesmyn Ward, Sing, Unburied, Sing

Jesmyn Ward
“Sometimes the world don’t give you what you need, no matter how hard you look. Sometimes it withholds.”
Jesmyn Ward, Sing, Unburied, Sing

Jesmyn Ward
“Growing up out here in the country taught me things. Taught me that after the first fat flush of life, time eats away at things: it rusts machinery, it matures animals to become hairless and featherless, and it withers plants [...] since Mama got sick, I learned pain can do that too. Can eat a person until there’s nothing but bone and skin and a thin layer of blood left. How it can eat your insides and swell you in wrong ways.”
Jesmyn Ward, Sing, Unburied, Sing

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