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Die Wilden Hühner...
leynes is currently reading
by Cornelia Funke (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: currently-reading
Reading for the 3rd time
read in January 2011
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leynes leynes said: " This series, man, it's hitting me right in the feels. I just love everyone so freaking much. I love the introduction of Wilma into the story as she is one of my icons, it was so heartwarming to see how desperately she wanted to be part of the gang an ...more "

Parable of the Ta...
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  (page 70 of 410)
"The first 70 pages are basically a summary of the first book... bestie, I know it's been a decade between these two publications but I literally read the first book a week ago... it's so fresh in my mind lmao." Jul 18, 2024 11:57AM

leynes is currently reading
bookshelves: currently-reading
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  (page 107 of 336)
"Will hopefully finish this in May; it was a Christmas present from 2021 (!!), lmao." May 26, 2024 12:18AM

Wolfgang Herrndorf
“Ich dachte daran, dass es jetzt nicht mehr lange dauern würde, bis ich Tschick in seinem Heim besuchen konnte, und ich dachte an Isas Brief. Auch an Horst Fricke und sein Carpe diem musste ich denken. Ich dachte an das Gewitter über dem Weizenfeld, an Pflegeschwester Hanna und den Geruch von grauem Linoleum. Ich dachte, dass ich das alles ohne Tschick nie erlebt hätte in diesem Sommer und dass es ein toller Sommer gewesen war, der beste Sommer von allen, und an all das dachte ich, während wir da die Luft anhielten und durch das silberne Schillern und die Blasen hindurch nach oben guckten, wo sich zwei Uniformen ratlos über die Wasseroberfläche beugten und in einer stummen, fernen Sprache miteinander redeten, in einer anderen Welt - und ich freute mich wahnsinnig. Weil, man kann zwar nicht ewig Luft anhalten. Aber doch ziemlich lange.”
Wolfgang Herrndorf, Tschick

207485 The Hamilton Diaries — 14 members — last activity Mar 08, 2017 04:04PM
The Hamilton Diaries is a weekly read-along of the biography "Alexander Hamilton" by Ron Chernow. Videos are posted Wednesdays from January 11 to Marc ...more
212198 Shakespeare Read-Alongs — 8 members — last activity Sep 16, 2017 09:13AM
HEY, I'm searching a reading buddy for the following plays: - The Merchant of Venice / DONE: April 2017 - Henry V - Julius Caesar / DONE: May 2017 - ...more
210398 THE NAME OF THE WIND — 5 members — last activity Jan 02, 2019 09:31AM
Readalong starts on the 20th February! :)
217464 Wuthering Heights — 5 members — last activity Jan 02, 2019 09:33AM
Buddy-read for Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" in June. :) ...more
193682 Moby Dick read-along — 5 members — last activity Aug 05, 2016 07:11AM
In the month of July we will read Moby Dick by Herman Melville. The read-along starts 6th July. We will discuss the book once a week. :)
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