Tom LA

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The Matter With T...
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Tom LA Tom LA said: " One of the most important books of the last 50 years, for sure. "

Light from Light
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  (page 25 of 190)
Feb 14, 2024 08:38PM

Book cover for The Last Temptation of Christ
Struggle between the flesh and the spirit, rebellion and resistance, reconciliation and submission, and finally—the supreme purpose of the struggle—union with God:
Oscar Wilde
“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”
Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

Rudyard Kipling
“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”
Rudyard Kipling

Robert Frost
“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
Robert Frost

Oscar Wilde
“I am not young enough to know everything.”
Oscar Wilde
tags: age

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

15629 Fans of Arthur C. Clarke — 105 members — last activity Jun 01, 2019 11:56AM
This group is open to all fans of the master of science fiction, Arthur C. Clarke. The group is dedicated to his remembrance. His brilliant mind and u ...more
40378 Catholic Readers — 1870 members — last activity Jul 13, 2024 06:02PM
A group for Catholics to discuss the (Catholic) books they're reading. Please read the group rules before joining and posting. Any promotion of mate ...more
169184 ManBookering — 1760 members — last activity May 17, 2023 10:29AM
Join us as we read the backlist of Man Booker Prize winners and the nominees each year for the MBP!
205891 Reading the Church Fathers — 289 members — last activity Apr 04, 2022 06:09AM
There is an immense library of Christian philosophy, theology, history, apologetics, biblical commentary, and devotion written in the first seven cent ...more
1165334 New Worlds November — 11 members — last activity Jun 18, 2022 06:07AM
This is a discussion group for the New Worlds November science fiction reading event taking place on BookTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Feel free to po ...more
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