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Rama II
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Dark Humanity
Łukasz is currently reading
by Erin St. Pierre (Goodreads Author)
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See all 27 books that Łukasz is reading…
Book cover for Tiamat's Wrath (The Expanse, #8)
“They swept up everything,” Fayez said. He was flipping through telescope and radar images of the solar system. “There isn’t even a cometary belt clear out to a light-year from the star. They grabbed every bit of material in this entire ...more
M.R. Forbes
“He drank to forget, but he didn't know why he bothered. All it ever did was make him remember.”
M.R. Forbes, Starship Eternal

Daniel Arenson
“Fuck yeah!" She took a deep breath. "I mean—this is the path we must walk, for to reach light and wisdom one must first pass through darkness and despair. But also: Fuck yeah!”
Daniel Arenson, Earth Honor

Vaughn Heppner
“All life is a risk, Lieutenant. We have to play the hand we’re dealt, not the one we’d like.”
Vaughn Heppner, The Lost Starship

John Scalzi
“This isn’t going to end well,” Marce said to his sister. “Does it ever?” she asked, banking toward the Warta, the wide river that ran through Opole. She”
John Scalzi, The Collapsing Empire

Ian Douglas
“An old, old saying held that religion was for those who feared Hell, while spirituality was for those who’d been there.”
Ian Douglas, Star Corps

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