Ola Cholewa

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Dziury w ziemi. P...
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Because Internet:...
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Oczarowanie. Jak ...
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Ben Aaronovitch
“For a terrifying moment I thought he was going to hug me, but fortunately we both remembered we were English just in time. Still, it was a close call.”
Ben Aaronovitch, Moon Over Soho

Ann Leckie
“The problem is knowing when what you are about to do will make a difference. I’m not only speaking of the small actions that, cumulatively, over time, or in great numbers, alter the course of events in ways too chaotic or subtle to trace ... if everyone were to consider all the possible consequences of all one’s possible choices, no one would move a millimetre, or even dare to breathe for fear of the ultimate results.”
Ann Leckie, Ancillary Justice

Ann Leckie
“If you’re going to make a desperate, hopeless act of defiance you should make it a good one.”
Ann Leckie, Ancillary Justice

Ben Aaronovitch
“Carved above the lintel were the words SCIENTIA POTESTAS EST. Science points east, I wondered? Science is portentous, yes? Science protests too much. Scientific potatoes rule. Had I stumbled on the lair of dangerous plant geneticists?”
Ben Aaronovitch, Midnight Riot

Ann Leckie
“Thoughts are ephemeral, they evaporate in the moment they occur, unless they are given action and material form. Wishes and intentions, the same. Meaningless, unless they impel you to one choice or another, some deed or course of action, however insignificant. Thoughts that lead to action can be dangerous. Thoughts that do not, mean less than nothing.”
Ann Leckie, Ancillary Justice

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