Lynne King

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Carl Sagan
“Or perhaps they are here, but in hiding because of some Lex Galactica , some ethic of noninterference with emerging civilizations. We can imagine them, curious and dispassionate, observing us, as we would watch a bacterial culture in a dish of agar, to determine whether this year again, we manage to avoid self-destruction.”
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Billy Collins
My Hero

Just as the hare is zipping across the finish line,
the tortoise has stopped once again
by the roadside,
this time to stick out his neck
and nibble a bit of sweet grass,
unlike the previous time
when he was distracted
by a bee humming in the heart of a wildflower.”
Billy Collins, Horoscopes for the Dead

Anna Burns
“Cats are not adoring like dogs. They don’t care. They can never be relied upon to shore up a human ego. They go their way, do their thing, are not subservient and will never apologise. No one has ever come across a cat apologising and if a cat did, it would patently be obvious it was not being sincere.”
Anna Burns, Milkman

Sylvia Plath
“How long can I be a wall, keeping the wind off?
How long can I be
Gentling the sun with the shade of my hand,
Intercepting the blue bolts of a cold moon?
The voices of loneliness, the voices of sorrow
Lap at my back ineluctably.
How shall it soften them, this little lullaby?”
Sylvia Plath, The Collected Poems

Ali Abdollahi
“I hide your portrait
in a closet with no holes
your dress
in the dresser
I place the mirror on the bracket
upside down

remains of your hair
are dancing on the windowsill
in direction of the wind

in my room
there is always
a vacant chair”
Ali Abdollahi

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