Ava Cairns

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Jul 20, 2024 10:06PM

Ava Cairns is currently reading
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Let Us Descend
Ava Cairns is currently reading
by Jesmyn Ward (Goodreads Author)
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See all 208 books that Ava is reading…
Soma Kar
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein”
Soma Kar

Huda Fahmy
“So I focused on myself. See . . . I realized that when I wanted a guy to like me, I had a tendency to mold and shape myself into the person I thought he’d like (while my own likes took a back seat).”
Huda Fahmy, That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story

“confronting Sanger’s white feminism enables us to move away from the reproductive choice movement, of which she is the founder and remains its leading hero, and toward the reproductive justice movement.”
Kyla Schuller, The Trouble with White Women: A Counterhistory of Feminism

Shauna Robinson
“She had the opportunities. She was told to take those opportunities and find her dream job, something that would fulfill her. It was internalized now, this idea of fulfillment. It made her feel weak to put this much stock in something her parents couldn’t even consider. They had managed just”
Shauna Robinson, Must Love Books

“In music they call it the “and” in the space between 1 and 2 of the downbeat: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. When we can dance in the “and,” we are dancing in truth. But this takes practice, commitment, and grace.”
Shawn A. Ginwright, The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves

1164638 Sapphic Bookclub!! — 1743 members — last activity Jul 15, 2024 11:46PM
Welcome to any and all WLW / NBLW (lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals). This is a no pressure book club. If at any point you fall behind, or decide not ...more
1191561 °The Rainy Day Book Club° — 535 members — last activity Jan 17, 2024 10:19AM
Welcome to The Rainy Day Bookclub, Where we don't want the rain to go away! We are a peaceful and book-loving group that plays games, does motm's, ...more
85538 Oprah's Book Club (Official) — 78085 members — last activity 46 minutes ago
Welcome to the official Oprah's Book Club group. OBC is the interactive, multi-platform reading club bringing passionate readers together to discuss i ...more
270980 #WriterlyBookClub — 38 members — last activity Nov 14, 2017 09:44AM
We're a group of writers who love to read and discuss books! Anyone is welcome to join; writer or bookworm. Feel free to add books to our TBR shelf! ...more
1189445 We read everything ☄. *. ⋆*ೃ༄ — 50 members — last activity Feb 15, 2023 06:31AM
This is a group for people who enjoy multiple book genres, diversity, people who read at a slow or moderate pace. 'We read everything' allows people w ...more
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