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Winston S. Churchill
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston S. Churchill

4092 Catholic Thought — 749 members — last activity 52 minutes ago
This group is dedicated to the great enjoyment derived from Catholic theological and spiritual reading when combined with the outlooks and opinions of ...more
137714 Political Philosophy and Ethics — 5126 members — last activity 42 minutes ago
Study and discussion of the important questions of ethical and political philosophy from Confucius and Socrates to the present. Rules (see also the ...more
3460 Polska / Poland — 4990 members — last activity 8 hours, 19 min ago
Book lovers from Poland
year in books
Alan Jo...
2,867 books | 155 friends

1,915 books | 1,613 friends

4,486 books | 244 friends

1,504 books | 30 friends

Adolfo ...
236 books | 70 friends

1,269 books | 1,376 friends

1,506 books | 187 friends

Anna Wi...
2,510 books | 194 friends

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