Jennifer Welsh

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The Last Animal: ...
Jennifer Welsh is currently reading
by Ramona Ausubel (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 118 of 304)
"“It would have been so easy to win just then, to be the good girl, but Vera would not set herself against Eve, no matter how hard her sister tried to make enemies. For Eve, Vera let the silence stand. She was a sister first, a daughter second, and she allowed this day to keep a little of its pain.”" Jul 22, 2024 05:20AM

What Are You Goin...
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Jul 14, 2024 04:22PM

Ordinary Human Fa...
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See all 5 books that Jennifer is reading…
Groucho Marx
“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
Groucho Marx

Nisargadatta Maharaj
“It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.”
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.”

Henry James
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”
Henry James

1236217 Buddy read - Jennifer and Mark — 2 members — last activity Mar 07, 2024 03:44PM
Free Love by the wonderful Tessa Hadley
1211115 Bright Air Black — 2 members — last activity Apr 10, 2023 01:40AM
Buddy Read - Jennifer and Mark
25x33 The Girls of Slender Means — 3 members — last activity Jun 22, 2024 03:40AM
Buddy Read with Mark and Jennifer
1220818 The Stranger — 2 members — last activity Sep 03, 2023 05:02AM
Buddy read - Jennifer and Mark
1187035 The Short Story Club — 453 members — last activity Jul 22, 2024 02:16PM
The purpose of this group is to read one short story a week. There is a link to each story in the discussion's opening post. You can drop in and out a ...more
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