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Vytautas Kavolis
“Nuo tų laikų man liko nuostata, kad vienas svarbiausių dalykų gyvenime yra kūrybiškai griuvinėti, įsmukti į kokią nors skylę, nežinant, ką darai, ir aptikti joje galimybių atrasti save - kūrybiškų galimybių, apie kurias nieko nežinojai, darydamas tą ar kitą sprendimą" - „Nuo dailės socio­logijos iki moralinių kultūrų“, Prosky­na, 1992, nr. 5(23), p. 295.”
Vytautas Kavolis

Margaret Mead
“What people say, what people do, and what they say they do are entirely different things.”
Margaret Mead

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“In short, one may say anything about the history of the world—anything that might enter the most disordered imagination. The only thing one can't say is that it's rational. The very word sticks in one's throat. And, indeed, this is the odd thing that is continually happening: there are continually turning up in life moral and rational persons, sages and lovers of humanity who make it their object to live all their lives as morally and rationally as possible, to be, so to speak, a light to their neighbours simply in order to show them that it is possible to live morally and rationally in this world. And yet we all know that those very people sooner or later have been false to themselves,”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground

“Jeigu imame vertinti akimirką kaip dabarties duotybę, o ne perspektyvą, tada ir žmogus tampa vertingas toks, koks jis yra, o ne koks bus, kai išauginsime.”
Aušra Kurienė, Kaip užauginti žmogų: mintys iš vaikų psichologo smėlio dėžės

Serhiy Zhadan
“Mažius atsistojęs į ugnį įmeta dažytą lentą, liepsna iškart nulaižo sutrūkinėjusius senus dažus, moterys sėdi neatitraukdamos akių nuo ugnies, nieko nesako, bijo prišnekėti ko nereikia. Niekas jų ir nesiklauso - kam įdomu tai, ko nereikia?”
Serhiy Zhadan, Інтернат

64685 Lietuva / Lithuania — 5910 members — last activity 0 minutes ago
All Lithuanians of Goodreads, unite! Kviečiame prisijungti visus Goodreads skaitytojus iš Lietuvos! Bendraukime :)
6239 Last.fm users — 242 members — last activity Aug 18, 2022 01:54PM
Goodreads = Last.fm for books Last.fm = Goodreads for music
20993 Metal — 251 members — last activity May 09, 2024 03:26PM
This group is for all of you out there who listen to any of the subgenres of metal: Black, death, doom, drone, folk, glam, gothic, groove, industrial, ...more
101747 Dystopia Land — 5131 members — last activity Jul 22, 2024 11:07AM
THE BIGGEST GROUP FOR DYSTOPIAN LITERATURE ON GOODREADS. What you can do in the group? * You can say 'Hi', or tell us what you are reading * Yo ...more
94 LOST Book Club — 580 members — last activity Jul 22, 2024 10:07AM
Do you plan on eventually reading every book Sawyer reads on LOST or every book shown on LOST? Whether you plan to or not, join the club of watching a ...more
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