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Sophie’s World
Himanshu is currently reading
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John Green
“Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin.”
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

J.M. Coetzee
“When all else fails, philosophize.”
J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace

Roberto Bolaño
“Books are finite, sexual encounters are finite, but the desire to read and to fuck is infinite; it surpasses our own deaths, our fears, our hopes for peace.”
Roberto Bolano

Marguerite Yourcenar
“From each art practiced in its time I derive a knowledge which compensates me in part for pleasures lost. I have supposed, and in my better moments think so still, that it would be possible in this manner to participate in the existence of everyone; such sympathy would be one of the least revocable kinds of immortality.”
Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of Hadrian

Lewis Buzbee
“For the last several days I've had the sudden and general urge to buy a new book. I've stopped off at a few bookstores around the city, and while I've looked at hundreds and hundreds of books in that time, I have not found the one book that will satisfy my urge. It's not as if I don't have anything to read; there's a tower of perfectly good unread books next to my bed, not to mention the shelves of books in the living room I've been meaning to reread. I find myself, maddeningly, hungry for the next one, as yet unknown. I no longer try to analyze this hunger; I capitulated long ago to the book lust that's afflicted me most of my life. I know enough about the course of the disease to know I'll discover something soon.”
Lewis Buzbee, The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop: A Memoir, a History

122453 The Fyodor Dostoyevsky Group — 513 members — last activity Mar 07, 2024 10:28PM
We are dedicated to discussing books by one of the greatest Russian writers ever. But 2014 will be focused on conducting a joint reading of 'The Broth ...more
154805 On Paths Unknown — 451 members — last activity Jul 09, 2024 12:52PM
"On paths unknown, we tread with wonder. Through a glass darkly, to brave new worlds and beyond we go." We seek to explore and do critical reading fro ...more
80265 Bookworm Buddies — 1028 members — last activity Jul 19, 2024 06:18AM
This group is for those bookworms who like to join in buddy reads with others or start their own buddy reads. We read a wide array of genres here and ...more
80277 The Kindred Spirits — 299 members — last activity Sep 08, 2020 08:02AM
Place to meet and talk about anything.
152644 2015: The Year of Reading Women — 691 members — last activity Apr 01, 2020 04:01AM
Join us for a year of member-run group reads to make 2015 the year of reading women! Rules Members are free to create author threads by surname if th ...more
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