Beata's Reviews > King Leopold's Ghost

King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites

The book was written 20 years ago, and yet, it is so eye-opening! The theme has not been covered enough …. My idea of atrocities committed in the Congo in the second half of the 19th century were more than basic and narrowed to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, which I read (and now should re-read) but didn’t take too much interest in Conrad’s time in the Congo, which was a mistake … Author who undertakes a most difficult task to write about crimes against humanities (term used for the first time by one of the 19th century journalist with regard to the Congo) pays respect to all the victims of one’s madness, greed, cruelty, indifference or hatred. And I read this book, or rather listened to it, with precise the same intention. There are several characters central to the unravelling the crimes that must be mentioned: William Sheppard, George Williams, E.D. Morel and Roger Casement. They were the first to report openly on the cruelty towards the indigenous tribes and campaign against it. Ordinary people and yet extraordinary in those days to speak and write openly of what they witnessed. I can do nothing more than pay respect to the millions of victims who happened to live in the area rich in resources exploited to the full by white men. This book is both overwhelming and depressing, however, it is one that should be read along with all the others that cover any crime against human beings.
PS Writing these few sentences was not easy for me as I found this book too upsetting and painful to comment on ....
Thank you to my GR Friends who drew my attention to this book.
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Reading Progress

August 13, 2018 – Shelved
August 13, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
April 7, 2019 – Started Reading
April 10, 2019 –
April 14, 2019 – Finished Reading
July 29, 2019 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 51-59 of 59 (59 new)

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Beata Tim wrote: "Great review as always, Beata!"
Thanks, Tim :)) This book did leave an impact on me ....

message 52: by Beata (last edited May 01, 2019 11:28AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Beata Barbara wrote: "I think I would react the way you did, Beata. Disturbing, but wonderful review."
Thank you, Barbara :)) It was truly eye-opening ...............

Beata Paula wrote: "There are too many of these horrific stories out there, Beata. Greed is so’s cost unfathomable...wonderful and sad review..."
Thank you, Paula .............. A most disturbing book ....

Geoff Gobbett This is a brilliant book, and was a fascinating read. It was beautifully written, and side issue pen portraits such as Roger Casement and Joseph Conrad were excellent. Here is a book to justify an interest in history. It was a profound eye opener.

Beata Thank you, Geoff, for your comment with which I absolutely agree.

message 56: by Bookworm (new) - added it

Bookworm I agree these stories are often painful yet so important to read. Thank you for sharing your review Beata. Adding to my tbr.

Beata I'm of the same opinion, Bookworm ... It was an eye-opener for me, and difficult as it was, I'm grateful to my Friends for the recommendation ... Hope to read your review soon .... :)

message 58: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Excellent review Beata 💟

Beata Thank you, Dear Marilyn :))

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