David's Reviews > The Sparrow

The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
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it was amazing
bookshelves: read-in-2007, 5q, unexpectedly-terrific

Upgraded my rating of this book to 5 stars (January 6th, 2008) because it was definitely one of the 5 best books I read in 2007. Thought-provoking and gripping and I still find myself thinking about the questions it raised while I was reading it.

This was a terrific book, on many levels. An engrossing story, engaging characters, fascinating premise - I was riveted throughout. It's impossible to categorize this book - classifying it as science fiction (it's about an exploratory mission to a newly discovered planet in the Alpha Centauri star system) doesn't begin to do it justice. It also addresses deep questions about faith, relationships and human resilience.

The author alternates skillfully between the book's present (2059) and flashbacks to the planning and execution of the mission, building suspense to the devastating climax. (Warning: the ending is fairly grim.)
Other aspects are less successful. In particular the various members of the mission crew are presented as incredibly accomplished and unbelievably charming, and are made to act as mouthpieces for the kind of deep, meaningful conversations that sound completely forced and unnatural. I must confess that I didn't find them nearly as witty and charming as the author obviously seems to think they are. The kindly, infinitely wise, witty doctor/den mother figure was particularly hard to stomach. One could also take issue with certain aspects of the plot - for instance, the uncanny similarity of the alien society to that on earth, but this didn't bother me as much as the artificial nature of some of the main characters.

So, an ambitious and thought-provoking book, which doesn't succeed at every level. Despite its minor flaws I still give it 5 stars. It will be interesting to see what Brad Pitt makes of the film version, if it ever gets done.

(review updated, February 2nd 2009)
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October 1, 2007 – Finished Reading
October 25, 2007 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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Lori What? WHAT? Pitt has optioned the screenplay?

Lisa Vegan David, Brad Pitt? What character could he possibly be playing? I'm almost through with this book and it's going to get 4 or 5 stars from me.

Sandi I can't picture Brad Pitt as any of the characters. If he casts himself as Emilio, I'll be exceptionally ticked off. Maybe he's just going to produce it.

Lisa Vegan Sandi, I sure hope so. He doesn't fit any of the characters, but my hopes are not high. He's an actor after all.

Sandi This quote made me laugh my butt off: "Is he handsome enough to portray a Jesuit priest?"

I can't picture Antonio Banderas in the role either, but he'd be a better choice than Brad Pitt. I just picture Emilio as being an ordinary nice-looking Latino guy, maybe like Andy Garcia.

Kristi  Siegel Oh, crap. Brad Pitt? As Emilio? Say it ain't so.

David, I don't see Children of God in your library. If you do read it, I'd be interested in what you thought of the sequel.

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