Baba's Reviews > The List

The List by Yomi Adegoke
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bookshelves: contemporary

Hashtag Black Love London-born couple Ola and Michael are a month away from their over-the-top Ghanaian and Nigerian themed wedding when The List is shared online; a list of toxic men and their crimes in the entertainment industry in London; Michael’s name is on the list with a summary of his deeds! Ola has built a career in calling out toxic masculinity, what will she do now?

This was a compelling read, just for the sake of really wanting to know what happens next as soon as possible. It did feel like a lot of the story was pushed in specific directions by the writer, in that it didn’t feel organic. Overall, a conflicting read that probably needs rereading to get the most of. I liked the writer pointing out how so many toxic Black men pull out the race card to counterattack their accusers. In a way the book replicates the reality where male pain is seemingly more important and relevant than female pain. Still the most essential reason why this is a very good read is because it got me taking a deeper look at my rationales, thoughts and views on male toxicity and abused woman’s lack of reporting pathways. A solid 8 out of 12 Four Star read, thank you so much Yomi.

2024 read
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Reading Progress

June 29, 2024 – Started Reading
June 29, 2024 – Shelved
June 29, 2024 – Shelved as: contemporary
June 29, 2024 –
page 62
July 7, 2024 –
page 152
July 9, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Rosh (new)

Rosh The themes in this one sound compelling! I'm happy it offered you much food for thought. Wonderful review, Baba! :)

Baba Rosh wrote: "The themes in this one sound compelling! I'm happy it offered you much food for thought. Wonderful review, Baba! :)"

Thank you Rosh; the themes got my attention!

message 3: by Rowan (new)

Rowan Excellent review, Baba! 😊 Sounds an intriguing read!

message 4: by Debra (new)

Debra Terrific review, Baba!

Baba Debra wrote: "Terrific review, Baba!"

As ever, thank you Debra. :)

Persephone's Pomegranate Great review, Baba. The entertainment industry is full of immoral and abusive people.

Baba Persephone's Pomegranate wrote: "Great review, Baba. The entertainment industry is full of immoral and abusive people."

Sometimes generalisations are true :D

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