Kemper's Reviews > Mystic River

Mystic River by Dennis Lehane
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it was amazing
bookshelves: crime-mystery, modern-lit, favorites, 2020-reread
Read 2 times. Last read December 20, 2019 to February 17, 2020.

I bought a hardback copy of Mystic River when it first came out, and I’ve been recommending it to everyone I know who has the slightest interest in crime fiction ever since. Oddly enough, it’s been almost 20 years since I first read the book, and I’d never revisited it until now. I love it, but there’s just so much Lehane-style depression that a fella can take.

In a working class Boston neighborhood during the mid-‘70s,three young boys encounter a couple of child molesters pretending to be cops. One of the kids, Dave Boyle, ends up being taken by them and endures several days of abuse before managing to escape. Twenty-five years later Dave still lives in the same old neighborhood with his wife and son. Jimmy Marcus didn’t get in the car with Dave. He went on to become the leader of a crew of thieves, but a stretch in prison and caring for his young daughter, Katie, set Jimmy straight. Now he runs a corner grocery store in the neighborhood. Sean Devine also avoided the pedophiles, and he’s grown up to be a homicide investigator for the state police while trying to cope with his crumbling marriage.

When Jimmy’s daughter Katie is brutally murdered, it’s a shock to the neighborhood. As Sean investigates the crime Jimmy has to deal with his grief. Dave was one of the last people to see Katie alive when she was out at a bar with some girlfriends, and he had no reason to hurt her. Yet, his wife Celeste knows that he came home late that night covered in blood…

A recurring theme that Lehane explores is the damage done by crime and violence, and that’s the thing that lingers over this book and makes it great. Jimmy is convinced that something in his own past was the reason Katie was killed even as he spent years trying to be ‘good’. Sean’s career as a policeman has made him misanthropic, thinking that the world is filled with stupid people killing each for stupid reasons, and it’s soured his personal life. Both of them are also haunted by how close they came to sharing Dave’s fate, and Dave himself refuses to talk about what happened to him even as many who know what happened consider him ‘damaged goods’.

Lehane takes all of these factors and adds a few more like what gentrification was doing to their old neighborhood to create one of the ultimate character driven pieces of crime fiction. The ultimate resolution and what happens both because of Dave getting in that car as a young boy and Katie’s murder seem like tragedies that beget more tragedies in a long string of unintended consequences.

Considering the ending and reading this now, nearly 20 years after it was first published, made me think that there could be another story by now. If Lehane went back now and told us what happened next, I’d want to read that book.
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Quotes Kemper Liked

Dennis Lehane
“Lately, though, he'd just been tired in general. Tired of people. Tired of books and TV and the nightly news and songs on the radio he'd heard years before and hadn't liked much in the first place. He was tired of his clothes and tired of his hair and tired of other people's clothes and other people's hair. He was tired of wishing things made sense. He'd gotten to a point where he was pretty sure he'd heard everything anyone had to say on any given subject and so it seemed he spent his days listening to old recordings of things that hadn't seemed fresh the first time he'd heard them.
Maybe he was simply tired of life, of the absolute effort it took to get up every goddamned morning and walk out with into the same fucking day with only slight variations in the weather and food.
He wondered if this was what clinical depression felt like, a total numbness, a weary lack of hope.”
Dennis Lehane, Mystic River

Reading Progress

Finished Reading
September 22, 2007 – Shelved
December 20, 2019 – Started Reading
February 17, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Leslie Great review! It’s been years since I’ve read this too. Your review has made me think its time for a reread myself.

Kemper Leslie wrote: "Great review! It’s been years since I’ve read this too. Your review has made me think its time for a reread myself."

Thanks. It held up really well. I also rewatched the movie version which I hadn't seen in a while either, and it's still a very good adaptation of this.

Aditya Excellent review, agree with everything you said. Lehane was working at a different level with this one and Gone, Baby Gone. I rewatched the movie a while ago and that is wonderful in its own right.

Kemper Aditya wrote: "Excellent review, agree with everything you said. Lehane was working at a different level with this one and Gone, Baby Gone. I rewatched the movie a while ago and that is wonderful in its own right."

Thanks. I agree that this and Gone Baby Gone are his two best, although both are pretty grim in their own ways. Also both books got great movie adaptations that nailed the tone.

message 5: by Erin (new) - added it

Erin I laughed at your comment about Lehane style depression! I loved this movie but haven’t read the book because I found the one Lehane book I read to be so depressing. I will give this book a tryin your recommendation, based on that comment alone.👍🏼

Kemper Erin wrote: "I laughed at your comment about Lehane style depression! I loved this movie but haven’t read the book because I found the one Lehane book I read to be so depressing. I will give this book a tryin y..."

Lehane's a great writer, but he has depressed the hell out of me with some of his books like this and Gone Baby Gone.

Brandon This was such a great book. One of Lehane's finest and one of the best standalone crime novels I've ever read. Great review, as always.

Kemper Brandon wrote: "This was such a great book. One of Lehane's finest and one of the best standalone crime novels I've ever read. Great review, as always."


Becky Your review makes me want to re-read this one. I listened to the audio about 10 years ago and disliked it a lot because of that. Maybe I'll give it another go.

Kemper Becky wrote: "Your review makes me want to re-read this one. I listened to the audio about 10 years ago and disliked it a lot because of that. Maybe I'll give it another go."

I did the audible version this time, and I didn't much care for the narration either.

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