John's Reviews > I Am Legend

I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
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This book is definitely not a carbon copy of the movie. He did some experiments, he found a dog and there was a strange girl in his life … that is where any similarities to the movie ends. I was okay with this for I wanted to see where the book was taking me. Robert Neville, the main character wore me out in the first third of the book. I expected a stronger character. When he found purpose he was much more enjoyable.
I would have given the book a 3.5 but I decided to round it up for the effort. Not a bad read, just not a scorcher.
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May 8, 2024 – Shelved
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Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Mark But admit the ending was a hoot and a half.

John You are correct Mark.

message 3: by Bruce (new)

Bruce Smith Mark wrote: "But admit the ending was a hoot and a half."

Yes, it was.

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