Paul Bryant's Reviews > Weirdo

Weirdo by Sara  Pascoe
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bookshelves: novels


1 protagonist, female, 32 years old or so

3 boyfriends (1 ex, 1 current, 1 in your dreams)

4 aggravating family members

Five large tubs of withering, mordant, rueful and sardonic comments about modern romance, life, awful realisations, etc

12 packs of assorted references to celebrities

Several generous helpings of assorted references to brand names, stores, outdated technology, etc

3 quirky jobs (e.g. scarer in a dungeon)

1 catastrophe

1 large chunk of bad sex

20 litres (minimum) of prosecco

10 litres sundry other wine, ale, spirits, etc to taste

15 to 20 letters from debt collection agencies

Shove it all together in a blender then liberally sprinkle with neurodiversity and whisk with self-deprecation and serve
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Reading Progress

September 12, 2023 – Shelved
September 12, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read-novels
October 12, 2023 – Started Reading
October 14, 2023 – Shelved as: novels
October 14, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Walker Brutal, ha ha.

Paul Bryant Hi Christopher - do you know Sara Pascoe by any chance?

Paul Bryant yes, same for me, so I thought well, she's very amusing on the telly, I will read her novel.

Glenn Russell Good one, Paul. I'd add a few vivid bathroom scenes. I both read the novel and listened to Sara read her audiobook. Just did post my own review.

message 5: by Lo (new) - added it

Lo This review did not discourage me from reading this book. In fact I hadn't heard of it or the author until now, but it's added to my list!

Paul Bryant it's a pretty good read! I should have added :

10 litres of bodily fluids

message 7: by Lo (new) - added it

Lo Paul wrote: "it's a pretty good read! I should have added :

10 litres of bodily fluids"

Oooh even more enticing :D

message 8: by Phil (new)

Phil Is she funnier as an author than as a presenter, contestant. I find her shows fine, but not really funny.

Paul Bryant I never saw her shows but I really liked her on Mock the Week, HIGNFY and so forth. I think she's funnier on the tv.

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