Baba's Reviews > I Never Knew That About London

I Never Knew That About London by Christopher Winn
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bookshelves: history-never-forget

This book very much meets the criteria set by its title, an exploration of the history of London via it's buildings, roads, bridges, statues, parks etc. Starting in the City of London, chapter by chapter to different areas and Boroughs of London, this a mightily informative book that covers everything from Roman and Middle Ages London to the impact of the Millennium, yet somehow manages to include so much more such as referencing royalty, politicians, religion, celebrities, villains, heroes etc. There are also references to writers, publishers, printers, artists, musicians and more. This is a must-read for anyone interested in the multi-layered genesis of older cities, and of course especially London. Please note that this is history of a city tour-guide book, so was easy to put down; a read that merits a well deserved Four Star 9 out of 12 rating from me.

2024 read
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Reading Progress

January 15, 2023 – Started Reading
January 15, 2023 – Shelved
January 15, 2023 –
page 107
January 2, 2024 –
page 212
January 3, 2024 – Shelved as: history-never-forget
January 3, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Tina (new)

Tina I love London so this would be interesting. Noted it's a history book...thanks. Great review!

Baba Tina wrote: "I love London so this would be interesting. Noted it's a history book...thanks. Great review!"

Thanks Tina, it's very much a history in digestible snippets read :)

message 3: by Janet (new)

Janet Roger You seem to have enjoyed this Baba. I also like those histories - especially of London - you can dip into so thanks a lot for your recommendation.

Baba Janet wrote: "You seem to have enjoyed this Baba. I also like those histories - especially of London - you can dip into so thanks a lot for your recommendation."

Thank you Janet.. it is such an informative and interesting read, I hope you get to pick it up :)

message 5: by Nora (new) - added it

Nora Currie Wonderful review about one of my favorite cities that I’ve visited! Great review, Baba!

message 6: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Would be a great option for anyone wanting to travel to London and know the true essence of the city than to stick to the popular tourist spots. Glad you enjoyed it, Baba. Nice review. :)

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