mark monday's Reviews > Tom's Midnight Garden

Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce
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it was amazing
bookshelves: inbetweenworld, into-the-past, new-dimensions, rain-man-reviews, alpha-team

spoilers follow. but what is a spoiler? a component revealed. is that component reflective of the whole? is that component the heart of the book or is it just another part of its body? is it a totem that represents the book's secret meaning?

the boy goes back in time to visit the girl. into the garden he goes, the changing garden. he feels safe and free in this garden. "there is a safe house at every dream level, which gets populated with the innermost thoughts and secrets of the Subject." he meets the girl in the garden. the girl shows him the clock. the girl will wind the clock. the old woman has wound the clock. "Totems are objects used by the characters to test if they were in the real world or a dream, and they all had specially modified qualities which made them very personal." the old woman dreams. the boy dreams. the brother dreams. they all dream together. you dream, I dream, we all dream together. "...a.k.a. unconstructed dream space existing within untouched subconscious..." the clock strikes the hour. the boy hears the clock and goes through the door, into the midnight garden. there he will meet the girl, again and again. the boy moves forward in time to finally meet the girl, at long last, as they have met many times before. "Inception is the act of inserting an idea in a person's mind which will bloom in a way making the Subject think it was their idea." the girl is an old woman; the boy is a boy. they hug, for the first time, their dreams a reality. a happy ending and beginning are achieved.

Life is but a dream
And I dream of you
Strange as it seems
All night I see you


* all quotes are from various articles about the film Inception *
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Reading Progress

July 3, 2022 – Shelved
July 23, 2022 – Started Reading
July 26, 2022 – Shelved as: inbetweenworld
July 26, 2022 – Shelved as: into-the-past
July 26, 2022 – Finished Reading
July 29, 2022 – Shelved as: new-dimensions
July 29, 2022 – Shelved as: rain-man-reviews
July 29, 2022 – Shelved as: alpha-team

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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Wendy Darling I’m so glad you enjoyed this! Fun fact: my retired blog was named “The Midnight Garden” after this.

mark monday it is a wonderful book. sweet and strange and dreamy.

I hope you are well and staying cool in that heat!

Saffron Moon I’m looking forward to reading this.

Saffron Moon mark wrote: "It is a wonderful book and well worth reading, especially if you like mind- and time-bending children's lit.

well, in-between children's lit & young adult, as far as age range for intended readers..."

It’s sounds “right up my alley”. I’ve been wanting to read it for quite awhile now. Your review rekindled my interest and motivated me to find it in the piles of books I have and move it up the To-Read stack (or should I say mountain?lol).

mark monday I have organized my mountains so that they appear to be nice small hills. There's a bunch of them but they feel easier to climb that way!

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