mark monday's Reviews > Big Planet

Big Planet by Jack Vance
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bookshelves: z-jack-vance, scifi-classic, rain-man-reviews, super-private-journal

so the commission sent to dampen down the ambitions of a sneaky tyrant crash lands, ouch, due to the machinations of that tyrant. and off the survivors go! across this very big planet known as Big Planet, full of all sorts of crazy places and crazy customs and crazy people who fled from the boring Earth and her boring federated planets. oh man this book took me back. the commission basically ziplines across this world, seeing all the sights, which reminded me of ziplining in Costa Rica. they accidentally and then purposely smoke some hella hallucinogenic plants which reminded me of my time in the Netherlands. they visit some really cosmopolitan cities right next to some let's just say religiously excitable cities which reminded me of my time in Turkey. they see a lot of countryside vistas and also enjoy some nightlife and also get into some fights which reminded me of my various times in Mexico. they even get to scale a fucking gigantic mountain which reminded me of my time in Kenya. a couple of the commissioners take on some eager slaves to help out with rest and relaxation which reminded me of my time in Cambodia. oh and they get to betray and kill each other too which reminded me of my times in Italy and the various murder parties that lessened the number of my friend group but also helped release some pent-up tensions. gosh all the memories that came flooding back!
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Reading Progress

April 30, 2022 – Started Reading
April 30, 2022 – Shelved
May 1, 2022 – Shelved as: z-jack-vance
May 1, 2022 – Shelved as: scifi-classic
May 1, 2022 – Finished Reading
May 5, 2022 – Shelved as: rain-man-reviews
May 5, 2022 – Shelved as: super-private-journal

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Mir (new)

Mir Luckily you were too cute to get murdered, eh?

mark monday always the adorable hunter, never the adorable prey!

message 3: by Mir (new)

Mir Like one of my current Outside Cat friends, who keeps trying to lure me into the game where she shows me her tummy and then claws me when I pet it. But, y'know, joyful clawing.

mark monday Cats know all the ways to hunt! I admire their range.

message 5: by Mir (new)

Mir Plus being cute so you have to love them even though they just bit you.

message 6: by Benjamin (new)

Benjamin Paul Your review...reminds of the time I met a self-centered *cunt* who couldn't go two sentences without mentioning being rich and well travelled. Really, what a fkn BORE. You do seem to have decent taste in books, though. So,,,,there's always that?

mark monday Benjamin wrote: "Your review...reminds of the time I met a self-centered *cunt* who couldn't go two sentences without mentioning being rich and well travelled. Really, what a fkn BORE. You do seem to have decent taste in books, though. So,,,,there's always that?..."

LOL you are the sort of literal-minded, vindictive simpleton who Vance continually mocks throughout his entire career. are you a fan of his and do you see yourself in his books much? anyway, the so-called review is a mockery of what you are attempting to call me out on SWOOSH. i.e. it mocks self-centered cunts who go on about their travels. it builds up to a creepy non-sequitur in which I reference purchasing rest and relaxation slaves and then ends with my mentioning how I murdered my friends. did your literal mind think I did those things too??

anyway, the idea that you think I am rich is hilarious. my nonprofit-working, rent-controlled apartment-living self is highly amused. I am well-traveled though! a not-rich person is able to do things like that too. and of course I also have decent tastes in books, thanks! :)

message 8: by Mir (new)

Mir mark wrote: "ends with my mentioning how I murdered my friends. did your literal mind think I did those things too??"

Romance writers pften get accused of perversions, and horror writers of being psychopaths themselves. Some people really have difficulty with the concept of creative writing.

mark monday Indeed! Which reminds me of our YA conversation a bit ago.

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