mark monday's Reviews > The Grand Sophy

The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: romantica, z-georgette-heyer, rain-man-reviews


The Godfather Georgette Heyer has all her little ducks in a row. She's got the period detail, check. She's got the Old World styles, check. She's got all the characters who don't know what's about to happen to them and who'll get what's coming to them, check. She's got the manipulations and the double blinds and the cards all stacked up, check. She's got the romance under wraps but about to come up on deck, check. And she's got the gun and someone who knows how to use it, check. The Big G knows what time it is and the reader's about to know too.


Kingpin Sophy brooks no disagreement. Oh she'll let you rant and rave all you want. Let the little pawns moan and groan, but in the end they'll fall right in line. Sophy knows what's best for you, just follow her lead, minion. You'll see.


Dapper Don Sophy has all the skills and she pays all the bills. She's got the street smarts she learned on the Continent. She's got all the connects to the old school players. She's got the fashion sense to turn all heads. She's got the gun that will silence your attempt at some funny business. Minor league players don't stand a chance. Best stay in line.


Boss Bitch Sophy has her eye on that mouthy guy. She likes his sass. She'll show him how she handles a horse, 'cause that's her way of flirting. And she'll show him how she handles a gun, that's how she lets off some steam. She plays a little rough but she knows he'll learn to deal with it. She don't pick no weak bitches to be her number two. He'll learn it's best sometimes to just shut up and look pretty. Sophy always gets her way, there's no stopping this juggernaut, step aside or get rolled over. Don't mess with this one.
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Reading Progress

April 15, 2022 – Started Reading
April 15, 2022 – Shelved
April 27, 2022 – Shelved as: romantica
April 27, 2022 – Shelved as: z-georgette-heyer
April 27, 2022 – Finished Reading
May 10, 2022 – Shelved as: rain-man-reviews

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ Ha, great review! :)

mark monday thanks Carol!

message 3: by Onika (new) - added it

Onika This review! Now I'm imagining a crossover between Jane Austen and the Godfather XD

shezal reading she likes his sass as she likes his ass and trying to recall where that happened in the book when i read it...

mark monday shezal wrote: "reading she likes his sass as she likes his ass and trying to recall where that happened in the book when i read it..."

oh I bet she liked that boxer ass too!

Onika wrote: "This review! Now I'm imagining a crossover between Jane Austen and the Godfather XD"

glad you enjoyed it and I would love to see that very thing!

Tiffany Hahahaha! This is so good, mark :-) Spot on.

mark monday I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was fun to write. Cheers!

Kris Sellgren This novel has always been one of my favorite Heyerdahl novels. But I never would have thought of writing your review, which is brilliant (and true).

Kris Sellgren Oops spell check turned Heyer into Heyerdahl. :)

message 10: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Grant And there I was thinking you'd made a clever, obscure joke ;-).

message 11: by mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

mark monday Kris wrote: "Oops spell check turned Heyer into Heyerdahl. :)"

Elizabeth wrote: "And there I was thinking you'd made a clever, obscure joke ;-)."

it seems appropriate for me to mention here that Thor Heyerdahl was one of my childhood idols. What a life he had!

message 12: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Grant mark wrote: "it seems appropriate for me to mention here that Thor Heyerdahl was one of my childhood idols. ."

Me too! Other kids built rafts – I built balsa rafts, or rafts made of pleated grass.

And Schliemann!

message 13: by mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

mark monday We would have built a lot of fun things if we had been kids together. I love my memories of various solo and, less often, group adventures and constructions in the woods nearby. I also wonder if many kids have the same freedoms these days to be adventurous in this way.

message 14: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Grant Who knows, Mark, maybe we did. Maybe you were the boy who helped me build a hut in summer camp one year. It rained and the roof leaked (but only a little!) and we got wet and were told off for separating from our respective groups, and yours left the next day. What a fun day that was, though!

message 15: by mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

mark monday I love this story! And me and my friends were makers of secret huts in the woods, so who knows... although I was also prone to angrily tearing down those huts if my friends got on my nerves.

message 16: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Grant mark wrote: "I love this story! And me and my friends were makers of secret huts in the woods, so who knows... ."

Until today, I was never quite sure whether you really existed, or whether I'd made you up, as one does, a child's imaginary friend . . .

Cynthia Now that's a review!

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