Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽'s Reviews > Fated Blades

Fated Blades by Ilona Andrews
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really liked it
bookshelves: science-fiction, r-rated

That was great fun, and so hard to put down! I downloaded it at midnight, read half and then finished it up this morning. Romeo and Juliet get a kickass Ilona Andrews upgrade in Fated Blades, a standalone short novel set in the Kinsman universe.

Ramona and Matias, the two heads of feuding kinsmen families, both of secare (elite warrior) clans, are forced to cooperate when their two spouses run off together, stealing both families' vital scientific research, with plans to sell it to the Big Bad of their galactic sector. They need to track down their spouses, get back the research data, get rid of the bad guys (and maybe their spouses), and keep everything secret to avoid losing face. Sparks fly, on every level.

It's a quick, fast read, not as complex and layered as their very best work, but Ilona Andrews fans will have a good time.

Content note: R-rated for violence, explicit sex and a few scattered F-bombs.
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Reading Progress

November 23, 2021 – Started Reading
November 23, 2021 – Shelved
November 23, 2021 – Shelved as: science-fiction
November 23, 2021 –
page 63
28.38% "“None of them owe me anything. They help me because they consider me a friend. Being kind to people and paying attention shouldn’t be done with the expectation of repayment. I helped them because I could, and it made me happy.”"
November 23, 2021 – Shelved as: r-rated
November 23, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Corina It was a nonstop read for me too 😁

Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽ Corina wrote: "It was a nonstop read for me too 😁"

Yes, it was hard for me to put it down halfway through, but it was something like 1:30 am. :)

Holly "It's a quick, fast read, not as complex and layered as their very best work, but Ilona Andrews fans will have a good time."

That summarizes how I felt about this.

Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽ Holly wrote: ""It's a quick, fast read, not as complex and layered as their very best work, but Ilona Andrews fans will have a good time."

That summarizes how I felt about this."

Yeah, as the excitement of actually reading it fades a little in the cold light of day, I'd go 3.5 stars.

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