Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽'s Reviews > The Album of Dr. Moreau

The Album of Dr. Moreau by Daryl Gregory
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: fantasy, mystery, science-fiction, humor
Read 2 times. Last read August 8, 2021.

4.5 stars. This is such a fun, fascinating mashup of a murder mystery, humorous boy-band dynamics and The Island of Dr. Moreau. The boy band here is a group of five half-human, half-animal young men, all with very different personalities and quirks. The murder victim is their overbearing band manager, who's found clawed to death after a party in a hotel where lots of people were high and/or drunk. He was a truly awful person that lots of people wouldn't mind seeing dead. Everyone's a suspect!

Daryl Gregory is brilliant when he's on. Half a star off because the science fiction parts are so totally unbelievable; you just kind of have to roll with it. But it's otherwise a very smart, funny book with some great personalities and a solid murder plot to back it up.

Full review to come! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy of the ebook.

Content advisory: Sex, drugs, some gore, and F-bombs litter the pages like confetti. I still got a kick out of it.
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Reading Progress

April 9, 2021 – Started Reading
April 9, 2021 – Finished Reading
August 8, 2021 – Started Reading
August 8, 2021 – Finished Reading
August 9, 2021 – Shelved
August 9, 2021 – Shelved as: fantasy
August 9, 2021 – Shelved as: mystery
August 9, 2021 – Shelved as: science-fiction
August 9, 2021 – Shelved as: humor

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Stu (new)

Stu nice

message 2: by Eilonwy (new)

Eilonwy Great review! I remember seeing this on the New Books shelf at my library, and then forgetting about it when I didn't see it again. I'll have to finally read it now.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Oh I love Daryl Gregory. Thanks for putting this one on my radar!

Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽ Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "Oh I love Daryl Gregory. Thanks for putting this one on my radar!"

You're welcome! I loved his book Spoonbenders. I'm always on the lookout for more by him.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Yes Spoonbenders was great!

Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽ Eilonwy wrote: "Great review! I remember seeing this on the New Books shelf at my library, and then forgetting about it when I didn't see it again. I'll have to finally read it now."

Do read it! it's quick and very smart and fun.

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