MischaS_'s Reviews > Silver Shadows

Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead
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I never thought I would find some to hate as much as I hate Dolores Umbridge. But Sheridan came close. Hope they're going to share the same corner in the Hell!
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Quotes MischaS_ Liked

Richelle Mead
“What is it with you and girls, Adrian, dear? Why do they either mean nothing to you or everything? It's always an extreme."
"Because I don't do things in halves, mom. Especially when it comes to love.”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

Richelle Mead
“Ivashkov," she repeated, her face the picture of serenity. "My name is Sydney Ivashkov.”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

Richelle Mead
“Sydney Katherine Sage,” he said, his green eyes full of love and earnestness. “Would you do a brooding, deadbeat Moroi the honor of being his wife?”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

You’re better than this, Adrian. Whatever the reason, you’re better than it. Don’t trick yourself
“You’re better than this, Adrian. Whatever the reason, you’re better than it. Don’t trick yourself into thinking you’re weaker than you are”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

Richelle Mead
“I know what love is, Mom. I’ve had love that burns in every fiber of my being, that drives me to be a better person and empowers me through each moment of the day. If you’d ever had something like that, you’d hold on to it with every bit of strength you had.”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

As amusing as it was to see him lovestruck, we had to stay on track.
“As amusing as it was to see him lovestruck, we had to stay on track. I snapped my fingers in front of Marcus's face. "Focus," I said.”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

Richelle Mead
“Because I don’t do things in halves, Mom. Especially when it comes to love.”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

Darling she said with a small laugh Love doesn’t have anything to do with this.
“Darling" she said with a small laugh "Love doesn’t have anything to do with this."

"It has very thing to do with it!" I exclaimed.”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

Richelle Mead
“Rose lit up. “I’d totally help with that. Sydney’s my friend, and I’ve got experience with—”
Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

Reading Progress

September 13, 2012 – Shelved
February 3, 2015 – Started Reading
February 3, 2015 –
page 50
13.16% ":( Come on! I though that it will be over after few pages... and they would get back together... Well, I didn't but one can hope, right? RIGHT!"
December 23, 2016 –
January 4, 2017 –
page 138
36.32% "u r plain stupid"
January 4, 2017 –
page 178
46.84% "finally, getting somewhere"
January 4, 2017 –
page 238
January 5, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by Aysha (new)

Aysha ugh Dolores Umbridge

MischaS_ Aysha wrote: "ugh Dolores Umbridge"

I cannot think of anyone I hate as much as I hate her.

message 3: by Aysha (new)

Aysha MischaS_ wrote: "Aysha wrote: "ugh Dolores Umbridge"

I cannot think of anyone I hate as much as I hate her."

Me too! i am not even close to hating any book character as much as i hate her

MischaS_ Aysha wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Aysha wrote: "ugh Dolores Umbridge"

I cannot think of anyone I hate as much as I hate her."

Me too! i am not even close to hating any book character as much as i hate her"

Not only book characters. I think like even real people won't ever come close enough.

message 5: by Aysha (new)

Aysha MischaS_ wrote: "Aysha wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Aysha wrote: "ugh Dolores Umbridge"

I cannot think of anyone I hate as much as I hate her."

Me too! i am not even close to hating any book character as much as i ha..."

LOL!! That is actually true

message 6: by Maryam (new)

Maryam Rz. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh Umbridge. I FEEL YOU.

message 7: by Queen Cronut (new)

Queen Cronut LOL no one comes close to Dolores Umbridge though...

MischaS_ Mary wrote: "😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh Umbridge. I FEEL YOU."

😂 I hate people on scale from one to Umbridge. 😂

MischaS_ Queen Cronut wrote: "LOL no one comes close to Dolores Umbridge though..."

Haha, true. But some are getting there. 😂And honestly? Spending eternity in hell with Umbridge? That's hell.

message 10: by Maryam (new)

Maryam Rz. MischaS_ wrote: "😂 I hate people on scale from one to Umbridge. 😂"

Ooooooh nice! Very smart 😂😂😂😂

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)


Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin I have to reread all of these again!! 😊💕🌸

MischaS_ Dita wrote: "Hahaha"

Isn't it quite handy scale? 😂

MischaS_ Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ wrote: "I have to reread all of these again!! 😊💕🌸"

Same here! I want to re-read Vampire Academy series this summer.

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin I reread the first one but need to continue on!! There is not enough time for all the books abd rereads! 😫

MischaS_ Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ wrote: "I reread the first one but need to continue on!! There is not enough time for all the books abd rereads! 😫"

You tell me about it. My unread books will murder me one day.

I think I started to re-read VA years ago but ended like with book 3. But I think I'll start from the beginning.

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin That always happens 🤣😂

message 18: by Sumit (new)

Sumit RK Hate more than Unbridge...That has to be something. 😀

message 19: by Reynita (new)

Reynita ★ The Night Reader ★ Hahahahahaha I don't know who this character is but if this character is as horrible as Dolores Umbridge, then I hope they'll rot in hell. I hate Umbridge very much. Ugh.

MischaS_ Sumit wrote: "Hate more than Unbridge...That has to be something. 😀"

You tell me about it... Very few characters rise to even see Umbridges ankles in my hate scale.

MischaS_ Reynita wrote: "Hahahahahaha I don't know who this character is but if this character is as horrible as Dolores Umbridge, then I hope they'll rot in hell. I hate Umbridge very much. Ugh."

Lucky you, not knowing this character sounds like blessing. 😂
And yes, Umbridge is the worse!

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