MischaS_'s Reviews > Shadow Heir

Shadow Heir by Richelle Mead
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Read 3 times. Last read June 11, 2020 to June 17, 2020.

EDIT: June 2020.

I still think that the book would have been better if the first third was cut short. I was not really enjoying Eugenie doing... nothing.

The funny thing is that with every read I'm angrier and angrier with Eugenie. She does terrible things and then tries to excuse her behaviour. But at the same time, she punishes everyone for the smallest things. I'm starting to wish that there was more of character growth for her.

Sigh, this series really needs something. I'm not asking for a whole book; a novella would be enough or even a short story. Just to give this story a real closure it deserves. The ending Dorian deserves!
And yeah, I still have fingers crossed that this would be Richelle Mead's COVID-19 project. It is probably unlikely, but the hope is all I have.

EDIT (11/4/2017): Wow, the ending made me angrier than the first time around. Dorian deserved so much more!

I loved the book/series. But the ending killed me. This book came out in 2011, and I have no hope that Richelle Mead will return to this series which kills me.

The beginning was kind of slow < spoiler> I know; she was pregnant. But the book could start later in the pregnancy. .

I still hate Kiyo and that Maiwenn monster!

I like how Richelle found the solution for Storm King heir. < spoiler> I knew that those kids were Dorian's. I just wish that Maiwenn would let it go so that Eugenie could take them to Dorian .

I guess I am going to just keep hoping that one day Richelle will write at least a novella where someone kills Kiyo and Maiwenn. < spoiler> And Dorian will meet Ivy and Isaac. <3 I cannot wait for that!

Btw, it's just me or did Kiyo's, and Maiwenn's daughter went from Luisa to Marta?
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Reading Progress

September 13, 2012 – Shelved
April 12, 2016 – Started Reading
April 12, 2016 –
page 236
April 14, 2016 –
page 344
88.21% "interesting"
April 15, 2016 – Finished Reading
April 11, 2017 – Started Reading
April 11, 2017 – Finished Reading
June 11, 2020 – Started Reading
June 17, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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Antonella ❄️☕ This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her for ending it so badly. I would love to read another book though, to have a proper closure (and just to see Kiyo dead honestly 😆) but I think RM made it clear that it'll likely never happen, at least not anytime soon 😔

MischaS_ ✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her for ending it so badly. I would love to read another book though, to have a proper closure (and just to see Kiyo dea..."

I'm really conflicted here. It's actually my fave series from Richelle Mead and definitely the most re-read one. However, the ending is absolute trash! I know that Richelle somewhere wrote that she would like to do one more book but currently other series are doing better so she's focusing on those. Which is understandable.
And I'm not even sure if I want a whole book where is Dorian mistreated. A short story or a novella would be enough.

And my want list for it is:
Kiyo suffering eternally
Maiwenn being thrown in the Iron fields which lead to where the Iron crown was
(Honestly, that Maiwenn and Kiyo got away with everything is so stupid!)
Eugenie finally stopping the swooning about how Kiyo understood her and finally see him as the bad guy he is
Eugenie apologizing for mistreating Dorian all the time
Eugenie bringing her kids to the Otherworld because honestly, her reasonings are stupid. Plus those kids are what? 3/4 gentry I would suspect that they would be probably vulnerable to iron and other materials to some extent. Plus the whole "bring them to the Otherworld in their teens" is absolutely dumb. Yeah, teenagers will be so happy that their "runaway" mom is finally interested in them. 🤣

Antonella ❄️☕ MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her for ending it so badly. I would love to read another book though, to have a proper closure (an..."

She would be able to mistreat Dorian even on a short story, wouldn't she? But yes, a novella or something would be enough and very much needed.
I pretty much agree with everything on your list, also I wouldn't mind to have Volusian back somehow 😆.

Maiwenn and Kiyo getting away just like that was ridiculous. And even more ridiculous was Eugenie, constantly swooning over Kiyo and never realizing that all her feelings for him wasn't even real due to him being a half fox (or half rat?! I can't even remember now) with power to rouse feelings and affection. I swear, she's just the worst. And she deserves to eternally suffer too for leaving her children and never having told the truth to Dorian.

Who knows, maybe there'll be a spin-off someday on the teenage kids POV's set off to search their poor excuse of a mother and their beloved father in the Otherworld 🤣.

MischaS_ ✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her for ending it so badly. I would love to read another book though, to have a p..."

I mean... I cannot disagree. She totally has a talent at mistreating Dorian.
Oh, great point, I always thought that a prequel on Volusian would be so much fun!

Yes! That was just getting on my nerves. She was like "he wanted to kill me and my kids" and then "but he's so hot! His body! Swoon!!!! And he understood me!" Gurl! Focus on the kill part.

He's half fox but from now on, I'll keep saying he's a rat cause you know, he is.
Yeah, the fact that from the beginning Dorian made it clear he wanted kids and now he has two and does not know? It breaks my heart.

I just need something! I just had a bit of fan fiction in my head. 😂 That Ivy would be actually the more powerful of those two. And that they make it to the Otherwold without Eugenie knowing. And that Ivy is there for revenge. Maiwenn would be still so pressed about Issac that she would not see Ivy coming. I would actually love them to get the Iron crown and be like: "You were afraid my brother would conquer the human world. Don't worry the real threat here is me and I have no use for human world but I can do with this one!" Boom! 😂

Antonella ❄️☕ MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her for ending it so badly. I would love to read another bo..."

Lmao that's the fanfic I didn't know I needed! This Ivy of yours sparks some serious Jude Duarte vibes.

Poor 'Thundro' though, from the supposedly conqueror of worlds that everyone wants to kill, to simply sidekick of his sister! 🤣

MischaS_ ✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her for ending it so badly. I would love t..."

Oh, you're so right! Totally Jude.

Hahah, yeah, Thundro got the short stick but then again... the heir was probably Pagiel and Maiwenn is just being difficult and just wants to kill some kids. 🤷‍♀️ (Btw, in my fanfic Issac is a very powerful healer to the point that he can block Maiwenn from healing people to death. Like that he's the one piece missing which would make Ivy invincible. And like it's because of Ivy that Issac was born, so, now he's the one keeping her alive.)

Antonella ❄️☕ MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her for ending it so..."

Makes sense since Eugenie probably wouldn't even had him if it wasn't for Ivy 🤔 then he surely would be powerful enough to get Volusian back (sorry but he was my fave here, right after Dorian obv).

It just popped in my head something that might involve the whole newfound family going on a quest in the Underworld in order to defeat Maiwenn or something and they would rescue Volusian, only now he would respond to Ivy cause, you know, she's the true power girl here!

hahaha sorry for keep posting on this but your story is way more interesting than the actual one 😆

MischaS_ ✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "This is my least favorite of all of Mead series and I'll never, ever forgive her..."

Oh, love that. 😍 Can you imagine Volusian actually being willing to help Ivy? Eugenie would pass out.🤣 ANd Dorian as well to be honest.

Totally! Volusian was so much fun, he had such a great story arc plus he was consistent at least...

Oh, I love that as well. Getting VOlusian out, so, he can help them against Maiwenn... that's brilliant. I had just some random King in my mind who both Maiwenn and Dorian/Eugenie would be trying to get on their side and he was just refusing. Because yeah, not his fight. But then Ivy would get him to join her... But getting Volusian would be amazing! Like not dragging new characters to fill the missing power player.

Honestly? Right now I really want a scene of Ivy and VOlusian just chilling and talking. 😂 That would be hilarious. Like: "If you want to kill your mother, I would help." 🤣

No need to apologize, it's just so much fun for me as well. ANd at least I have some to share my fanfic with. 😂

Antonella ❄️☕ I can imagine that, in my head they would be just like Matthew the Raven and Morpheus 🤣 (I sure hope you get the reference here 👀)

And you know what would also totally break Eugenie?? Isaac falling in love with rat's daughter Martha (formely Luisa, now.. Elisabeth perhaps?! who knows). Maybe all this would be enough suffering even for her! 🤣

MischaS_ ✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "I can imagine that, in my head they would be just like Matthew the Raven and Morpheus 🤣 (I sure hope you get the reference here 👀)

And you know what would also totally break Eugenie?? Isaac falli..."

Sandman! Sadman" 😍

No, not that. 😂 That would kill me... plus Eugenie would be too busy swooning over Kyio to mind that her son loves his daughter.

Haha, yeah, Martha killed me as well. 😂 Like, I can accept that Luisa could be a gentry name but Martha? Anyway, how you change someone's name without you, your editor and whoever else reads it before publishing noticing it?

Antonella ❄️☕ MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "I can imagine that, in my head they would be just like Matthew the Raven and Morpheus 🤣 (I sure hope you get the reference here 👀)

And you know what would also totally break..."

Clearly Richelle herself and whoever revised the book couldn't care less how that poor baby girl was named and, honestly, I can't blame them 😅

MischaS_ ✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "✷ Antonella ✷ wrote: "I can imagine that, in my head they would be just like Matthew the Raven and Morpheus 🤣 (I sure hope you get the reference here 👀)

And you know what would a..."

😂 Truth... You just said it. 😂

MischaS_ Anonymous Girl wrote: "PHENOMENAL REVIEW, MischaS!!! I so completely agree!!! Dorian deserved better. I thought it was the most devastating ending she could ever give! I hope she is coming back to this one, because I did..."

Thank you so much! Absolutely... still gutted over the ending. :(

Which new one you mean? Do you mean the glittering court? Still did not have the time to read that.

Jovana Plavsa Yesterday I just finished series, and I am sooooooo angry about the end, so could not agree more with you, Dorian deserve so much more!

message 15: by Milly Nuñez (new) - added it

Milly Nuñez @MischaS_ 😮‍💨 I won’t re-read for the same reason. I can’t get over the fact that she went back to Dorian without telling him he had kids. The ending doesn’t have to be a happily ever after but damn… Dorian deserves better. I’ve been waiting almost 10 yrs for another book that would at least tell me that Dorian got to know his kids.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

When I read ‘Martha’ I was like ‘uhm wasn’t her name Luisa? 😂😂
I just don’t feel like this is an ending of the series. And I also think she should have told Dorian…

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