Matthew's Reviews > Sooley

Sooley by John Grisham
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2021, audio, library, sports, tear-jerkers, favorites

I am in the middle of a reading slump which has lending itself to a reviewing slump! I finished this book weeks ago but have not been inspired to review it . . . or any others I have finished in that time. This is not a reflection on the book, it is just where my head is at right now.

This book is another entry in Grisham’s sports series of books. Along with Bleachers, Calico Joe, and Playing for Pizza – this book helps to firmly plant Grisham in a genre other than legal thrillers. I have loved all of this sports books and I think he does a pretty good job with them. In fact, lately I have been kind of lukewarm on his legal dramas, so Sooley is some of his best recent work in my opinion.

This time the sport is college basketball and you should give it a try if you are a fan of the sport. It also touches a lot on the situation international refugees go through and the contrast between life in war torn countries and the United States. So, while there is a lot of sports to be enjoyed here, there is also a lot to be learned about the world.

If you are just a fan of Grisham’s legal dramas, you may not enjoy this one. But I think it is worth giving it a try no matter what your interests.
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Reading Progress

July 22, 2021 – Started Reading
July 22, 2021 – Shelved
July 22, 2021 – Shelved as: 2021
July 22, 2021 – Shelved as: audio
July 22, 2021 – Shelved as: library
July 22, 2021 – Shelved as: sports
July 24, 2021 –
22.0% "Orlando"
July 25, 2021 –
41.0% "College"
July 25, 2021 – Finished Reading
July 26, 2021 –
59.0% "Red shirt no more"
July 26, 2021 –
86.0% "Draft"
August 18, 2021 – Shelved as: tear-jerkers
August 18, 2021 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Lorna Matthew, I’m sorry about your reading/reviewing slump. I, too, loved this book and I like it when Grisham leaves the courthouse for a sports venue. This book was exceptional.

message 2: by Don (new) - rated it 4 stars

Don Dunham No better way to break out of a reading slump then a Grisham Bar.

Matthew Lorna wrote: "Matthew, I’m sorry about your reading/reviewing slump. I, too, loved this book and I like it when Grisham leaves the courthouse for a sports venue. This book was exceptional."

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Lorna!

Yup, the slump continues - both reading and on Goodreads. This is my first day on in a few days . . . I cannot wait for it to end!

Matthew Don wrote: "No better way to break out of a reading slump then a Grisham Bar."

Still kind of in a funk, but at least I enjoyed this one!

message 5: by Don (new) - rated it 4 stars

Don Dunham A good book suggestion "The Lonesome Gods" by Louis L'Amour, one of his best.

Matthew Don wrote: "A good book suggestion "The Lonesome Gods" by Louis L'Amour, one of his best."

Thanks for the rec, Don! :)

message 7: by Don (new) - rated it 4 stars

Don Dunham Sooley took me very high, then very low.

Matthew Don wrote: "Sooley took me very high, then very low."

Yeah, it was a rough ride!

Nicola Russell I can't accept Grisham's ending, I imagine a different outcome...

Betty Byargeon Neither can I accept the ending. It was so horrible. Ruined the whole book for me.

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