Oriana's Reviews > World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

World War Z by Max Brooks
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really liked it
bookshelves: read-2008, read-2009

I have this friend who read this right before me, and he hated it. He said that was because Brooks' "liberal Jewish agenda" shone through on like every page. (I should mention that said friend is himself a liberal Jew, for what that's worth.) I can see what he meant, though it didn't bother me the same way. What did bother me, though, was how much this book is framed like a movie. Framed, seriously. As in, each snippet is like a writeup of a scene in a film, including gestures, stage directions, subtext, etc. And so a lot of times it really hazed into corniness, which, um, yuck.

But for all that, it really did have incredibly gripping sections, and also really scary parts. Not overtly scary, just the kind of subtle fear that makes you whip around real fast when you're walking home at night and you hear the quick crunch of a plastic bottle being run over by a car. There were scenes that were uplifting, of course, scenes that were really intense, scenes that were upsetting in all kinds of ways (including one about dogs which I skipped because I cannot handle reading about bad things happening to dogs. That scene in the Will Smith zombie movie? It was the only part of the movie I saw and I cried for days.)

And it was really just amazingly vast in scope; Brooks really did a terrific job of imagining how every country, every culture would react to a full-scale world war against the undead. There're scenes in Chinese submarines, French catacombs, American suburbs, Israeli cities, etc etc etc. There's feral children and a million different kind of armies a mansion in Hollywood and a Japanese videogamer and more and more. A lot of really memorable stuff, actually, which is saying a lot for someone with a wretched memory.

So yeah. Pretty good book, and it's going to make one hell of a movie.
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Reading Progress

December 15, 2008 – Shelved
January 15, 2009 – Shelved as: read-2008
January 15, 2009 – Shelved as: read-2009
Started Reading
January 16, 2009 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Imogen (new)

Imogen I tried to read this but I thought it was boring!

Oriana I know, right? It's kind of my own fault, though, cuz I shoulda known what I was getting in to. I mean, I'm unimpressed by zombies and bored to tears by 'oral histories'. So why did I pick this up, anyway?

Patrick Hopefully you will get in the zone and enjoy it as you go on. It is definitely about zombies but it is also about the world we live in (like the whole planet Earth).

Oriana Patrick, you're right. I am impressed by its scope, certainly. I dunno, I probably should shut up about it until I finish...

Dante Cervantes "Liberal agenda"??? That's the complete polar opposite of what I got from this book, unless one can argue that Brooks was mocking conservatism in the novel.

Dante Cervantes I know this review is from years ago. I wouldn't expect you to remember the agenda in this book.

Oriana haha you're right, I don't remember at all what I was talking about. I do know which friend I meant though, and that guy is kind of an idiot. : )

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