Baba's Reviews > One of Us Is Next

One of Us Is Next by Karen M. McManus
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really liked it
bookshelves: young-adult, mystery-its-a-mystery

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, is very well applied to this sequel to One of Us is Lying with the very same ingredients
- very diverse (although no African Americans) cast
- strong messaging on how women/girls should be treated
- 90210 style everyone's beautiful cast, even the outliers
- each main protagonists point of view is featured in their own chapters
- (very well done) story set in a mix of the real and digital worlds
- drama, gossip, tears and mob behaviours
- a wonderful detailed and intricate mystery to get us readers into (although nowhere as good as the first book)
- twists and turns
All in all I gotta say, that I kind of really enjoy this strangely bubblegum light young adult mystery that manages to deal with some serious 21st century issues in a an intelligent way, yet also very light-touchy overall!

These books are what they are, and they don't pretend to be anything else - they tick all the books; they're relevant; and most of all they are very entertaining (despite the bore-off romances)! Looking for a fun, engrossing read, that takes you to dark places, but won't give you nightmares? Come, join me, and read this! 8 out of 12.
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Reading Progress

April 1, 2021 – Started Reading
April 1, 2021 – Shelved
April 1, 2021 – Shelved as: young-adult
April 1, 2021 – Shelved as: mystery-its-a-mystery
April 3, 2021 –
page 205
April 3, 2021 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Labijose (new) - added it

Labijose Great review, Baba!

Baba Labijose wrote: "Great review, Baba!"

Thank you Labijose :)

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