Matthew's Reviews > Abaddon's Gate

Abaddon's Gate by James S.A. Corey
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really liked it
bookshelves: 2021, audio, sci-fi, borrowed

The sprawling Space Opera continues!

So far, I enjoy this series despite frequently having trouble keeping characters and events straight in my head. There is just so much content here that it is like drinking from the firehose (on top of retaining events from previous firehose-consumption books). It is a series worthy of a study guide and a flowchart.

One of the most intriguing parts of this entry in the series is the indepth speculation on the effects of space travel on the human body. Most sci-fi series just accept that the characters are traveling quickly through space without issue. In this series, and this book in particular, there are many scenes where space travel does not go as expected and the results are fascinatingly gruesome.

So, while the series still occasionally has me going back to reread parts or sometimes trying to hunt down recaps online, I continue to enjoy it and I think any sci-fi fan should give it a try.
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Reading Progress

March 27, 2021 – Started Reading
March 27, 2021 – Shelved
March 27, 2021 – Shelved as: 2021
March 27, 2021 – Shelved as: audio
March 27, 2021 – Shelved as: sci-fi
March 27, 2021 – Shelved as: borrowed
March 28, 2021 –
0% "The Ring"
March 30, 2021 –
0% "Undercover"
March 31, 2021 –
0% "Sabatoge, lies, and revenge"
April 1, 2021 –
0% "Sphere"
April 3, 2021 –
0% "Slow zone"
April 5, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Alex (new)

Alex For those who appreciate the more detailed aspects of The Expanse, if you are looking to jump into the deep end of detailed hard-future sci fi, there is nothing better than the Three Body Problem trilogy. It centers around the human reaction to the discovery and machinations of an alien race, and is about as good as that part of the genre gets.
I happened to read your review, and you reminded me of the series is all. Good to see other people who review most books they read.

Matthew Alex wrote: "For those who appreciate the more detailed aspects of The Expanse, if you are looking to jump into the deep end of detailed hard-future sci fi, there is nothing better than the Three Body Problem t..."

Thanks for the rec, Alex. A friend of mine read at least the first book of the Three Body Problem trilogy and recommended it. Now that I have two recs, maybe I should move it up the list!

message 3: by Audrey (new)

Audrey I liked neither Three-Body Problem nor Expanse, so if you like one, maybe you'll like the other.

Gary K Bibliophile This is such a wonderful series- I’m glad you are still enjoying it!

Matthew Audrey wrote: "I liked neither Three-Body Problem nor Expanse, so if you like one, maybe you'll like the other."

Interesting . . . good to know, Audrey!

Matthew Gary wrote: "This is such a wonderful series- I’m glad you are still enjoying it!"

Yes - it is a lot, but still keeping my interest.

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