MischaS_'s Reviews > 今際の国のアリス 1 [Imawa no Kuni no Alice 1]

今際の国のアリス 1 [Imawa no Kuni no Alice 1] by Haro Aso
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bookshelves: manga, movie-series-seen-first

Why is there so much pressure with the first book of the year to be good? Why does it feel like it sets the tone for the rest of the year?

Anyway, before Christmas, I was blown away by the Alice in Borderland adaptation. I knew that I had to read the manga as well.

And I have to say that I loved this one as well. It is similar enough that I can see the characters I know from the series. But at the same time, there are differences between the two, so, I was really curious to see what will happen.

However, I have to say that I felt like without the knowledge of the adaptation I could potentially find the first chapters somewhat confusing.

But the best part so far is Karube whom I like way more than in the adaptation. Here he is just the best.

Anyway, I can totally recommend both, the manga and the adaptation as well. I cannot wait to read the rest.
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Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by J. Sebastian (new)

J. Sebastian Maybe because in your 2021 year-in-review they will show you your first review of the year.

MischaS_ J. Sebastian wrote: "Maybe because in your 2021 year-in-review they will show you your first review of the year."

Probably, just makes me feel more hopeful for the rest of the year.

message 3: by Joyous (new)

Joyous I loved the adaptation as well. I mean Keita machida...hello╰(*°▽°*)╯Glad you enjoyed the manga version

MischaS_ Joyous wrote: "I loved the adaptation as well. I mean Keita machida...hello╰(*°▽°*)╯Glad you enjoyed the manga version"

THe adaptation was just soooo good, I cannot wait for the second season.
Yeah, he was so awesome! But I absolutely love what Nijiro Murakami is doing with his character. Fantastic job.

message 5: by Viburnum (hiatus) (last edited Jan 09, 2021 12:17AM) (new)

And how are Kento and all the other actors so beautiful, be still my beating heart ❤️

And how are Kento and all the other actors so beautiful, be still my beating heart ❤️"

YAY! You as well? YAY! So happy. I was blown away by the series, it was that good!
Yeah, the actors did such a great job. I have to say that I'm very much enjoying Nijirô Murakami work on this series. He really did great with his character.
And after reading some of the manga... I have great respect for Dori Sakurada, it feels like he made Niragi jump out of the manga on the screen. He is that accurate.
I honestly have a hard time choosing if I prefer the manga or the adaptation. Both are perfect in their own way. They were really smart about the changes they needed to do for the adaptation.

Viburnum (hiatus) @Mischa Ah, I haven't read the manga :O so many live-action remakes turn out so tacky, so it's a relief to know that this adaptation can actually compare to the manga! Chishiya's character was definitely one of the highlights for me, he's so cool but lowkey psycho at the same time 😏 and I gotta say, Doki Sakurada's acting was on-point, Niragi's character really turned me off ಠ.ಠ

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review!!💋💟😉💯👊

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