Matthew's Reviews > What Alice Forgot

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, audio, library, mystery, favorites

5+ Stars

This was a fantastic book – overall, 100% through and through fantastic!

It was funny. It was heart-wrenching. It was thought provoking. So well written that I was intensely invested the entire time. No mind wandering at all! No filler!

The characters . . . oh, the characters . . . so great – all of them! They all have some good, some bad, some ugly, and some beautiful. Lots of tragedy, but lots of humanity and love as well. And, the fact that the main character is dealing with memory loss makes the dynamic between the characters extremely fascinating. Think about what it would be like if you woke up and thought it was 10 years ago? What relationships have changed? Jobs? Family? Pretty mind blowing all the what-ifs!

If you are looking for a great book with a great story about people and life, you must try this book. Your brain will be triggered by all of the what-if scenarios, your heartstrings will be pulled by the love and loss, and your funny bone will be tickled by the witty dialogue – 100% guaranteed!

Side note: For those familiar with my reviews, you may know that I consider it a sign of a good book if I talk back to it and/or long to interact with the characters (often with the desire to smack some sense into them). That was the case with this book – so a very good sign!
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Reading Progress

December 11, 2020 – Started Reading
December 11, 2020 – Shelved
December 11, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
December 11, 2020 – Shelved as: audio
December 11, 2020 – Shelved as: library
December 11, 2020 – Shelved as: mystery
December 11, 2020 –
29.0% "Heartbeat"
December 13, 2020 –
53.0% "Forgotten relationship troubles"
December 14, 2020 –
78.0% "The laundry incident"
December 15, 2020 –
93.0% "In the words of the classic power ballad, "It's All Coming Back to Me Now""
December 15, 2020 – Finished Reading
December 16, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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SoulSurvivor Looks like she's coming back after a few dogs, Good for her!
Love those Aussie writers, on my list.

Saul Escalona Great review Matthew, I agree with you 100%.

Matthew SoulSurvivor wrote: "Looks like she's coming back after a few dogs, Good for her!
Love those Aussie writers, on my list."

I have only tried two of hers so far and enjoyed both. Might need a warning on which ones to avoid if there are some "dogs" out there! :)

Matthew Saul wrote: "Great review Matthew, I agree with you 100%."

Thanks, Saul! Awesome - glad you liked it, too! :D

Olivia Byam Heeeey! I'm so glad you ended up liking this just as much as me. :)

Matthew Olivia wrote: "Heeeey! I'm so glad you ended up liking this just as much as me. :)"

Yes! Awesome, Olivia! This was one of my favorites of 2020.

Olivia Byam I'm so glad! I had a feeling you would like it as it seems we like similar books. I love reading all your reviews. I will buy a book if I know you've rated it highly. Goodreads is the best!! 😁

Matthew Olivia wrote: "I'm so glad! I had a feeling you would like it as it seems we like similar books. I love reading all your reviews. I will buy a book if I know you've rated it highly. Goodreads is the best!! 😁"

Thanks, Olivia! That means a lot! 😃

Indeed - Goodreads is a great place for good book discussion and review! ❤️

Terris This is top on my TBR list right now, so I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed it!!

Matthew Terris wrote: "This is top on my TBR list right now, so I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed it!!"

I think you are gonna love it, Terris! I am excited to see what you think. Enjoy! 😃

Terris Matthew wrote: "Terris wrote: "This is top on my TBR list right now, so I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed it!!"

I think you are gonna love it, Terris! I am excited to see what you think. Enjoy! 😃"

Can't wait to get started! I really like Liane Moriarty's books :)

Matthew Terris wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Terris wrote: "This is top on my TBR list right now, so I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed it!!"

I think you are gonna love it, Terris! I am excited to see what you think. Enjoy!..."

Looks like you enjoyed - awesome! :)

Terris I really did!!

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