Matthew's Reviews > Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio

Kent State by Derf Backderf
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, graphic-novel, history, non-fiction, library, favorites

Powerful and moving - 5+ Stars

I was born almost a decade after most of the chaos surrounding the Vietnam War in the late 60s/early 70s. I can only imagine what it was like to grow up with the threat of being drafted and the chaos of military action on our home soil. Unfortunately, 2020 has shown that maybe we have not come quite as far from the events of Kent State as we hoped.

Backderf does a great job with all of his research and sharing this important story using the graphic novel medium. It may not seem like a topic for a "comic book", but it really does a great job in making a complicated and difficult subject relatable. As the story is told, he makes you want the visuals and then he gives them to you instantly. I looked up a few of the backgrounds on Google Maps and he did a great job in accurately recreating the setting. Just amazing all around.

Speaking further about the visuals, I enjoy Backderf's style. It is a bit cartoonish and sometimes reminds me of old Mad Magazine art, but that does not get in the way of telling a serious story. It is enjoyable to look at and very precise so that there is not a lot of "extra" to get in the way of the main focus of each panel. Again, really great stuff here!

I have read non-fiction recently about 9/11 and mention in that review that the story might be a difficult one for some, but sometimes the truths are hard and we still need to learn about them. That is the case with Backderf's Kent State, and I think anyone would benefit by reading this, learning, and remembering what happened 50 years ago in northeast Ohio as Americans attacked other Americans in a conflict that could have been avoided. Again, it is a lesson I think that some still need to learn.
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Reading Progress

November 15, 2020 – Started Reading
November 15, 2020 – Shelved
November 15, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
November 15, 2020 – Shelved as: graphic-novel
November 15, 2020 – Shelved as: history
November 15, 2020 – Shelved as: non-fiction
November 15, 2020 – Shelved as: library
November 15, 2020 –
page 26
9.29% "Students for a Democratic Society"
November 17, 2020 –
page 41
14.64% "Chaos in the streets"
November 18, 2020 –
page 57
20.36% "Riot"
November 21, 2020 –
page 76
27.14% "Weatherman"
November 22, 2020 –
page 104
37.14% "ALL students under attack"
November 28, 2020 –
page 124
44.29% "Rumors"
December 1, 2020 –
page 151
53.93% "Police state"
December 2, 2020 –
page 174
62.14% ""It is a day unlike any other in the history of the university""
December 3, 2020 –
page 196
70.0% "Lock and load"
December 5, 2020 –
page 216
77.14% ""What happens next changes the course of history.""
December 5, 2020 – Finished Reading
December 7, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Angela (new)

Angela Brilliant review Matthew!

Matthew Angela wrote: "Brilliant review Matthew!"

Thank you so much, Angela! I had hoped to do the book justice.

message 3: by Rosemarie (new)

Rosemarie I remember seeing this on the news just after it happened.
I was heart-breaking.

message 4: by Pat (new)

Pat I didn’t know about that (I’m not American) but it’s just appalling!

message 5: by Fred (new)

Fred The graphics you found/used shows the great “protests” being made

Matthew Rosemarie wrote: "I remember seeing this on the news just after it happened.
I was heart-breaking."

I am glad I finally read something that taught me more about it. Since I had not been born yet when it happened it has only been a footnote in Vietnam-era American history for me until now.

message 7: by Rosemarie (new)

Rosemarie The image of one of the photographs is imprinted in my mind.

message 8: by Brian (new)

Brian Fagan ... I hear Neil Young's angry voice ...

Matthew Pat wrote: "I didn’t know about that (I’m not American) but it’s just appalling!"

Yes - an embarrassing and tragic event. The book tells about so many false assumptions and odd responses from officials. It is just so shocking - but, then again, people and officials still respond this way, so . . .

Matthew Fred wrote: "The graphics you found/used shows the great “protests” being made"

It was interesting to get some perspective on what was really going on at Kent State. Until now I really did not know any more than that there was a shooting at Kent State during the Vietnam War. This really opened my eyes.

Matthew Rosemarie wrote: "The image of one of the photographs is imprinted in my mind."

I think I know the one you are thinking of, and it is featured in this book.

message 12: by Mike (new)

Mike Most of my mom’s side of the family is from a town not too far away from Kent State – Warren, Ohio. I was visiting family and friends there when all this happen. I can remember mood of the nation afterward. Similar to now......

Matthew Brian wrote: "... I hear Neil Young's angry voice ..."

It has been years since I heard that song - had to go back and give it a listen!

Matthew Mike wrote: "Most of my mom’s side of the family is from a town not too far away from Kent State – Warren, Ohio. I was visiting family and friends there when all this happen. I can remember mood of the nation a..."

It is always difficult to wrap my head around events that happened before I was born. Now I know how my kids feel when I talk about 9/11 - they know what it is, but not having lived through it, it just doesn't have as much of a reality for them as it does for me. That is why I appreciate books like these that do such a great job relaying true stories.

Matthew Viola wrote: "Good review Mathew,
A question though, is this “other shooting” at Jackson state mentioned in the graphic novel ?

On May 14, ten days after the Kent State shootings, two students were killed (and..."

Thank you, Viola!

I don't remember if they mentioned that or not. He may have done so in a preface. The story itself was told chronologically and ended right after the shooting so did not go much into the aftermath or followup events. It was obvious he wanted to focus specifically on the events and the people at Kent State.

message 16: by Jeff (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jeff @Viola: there is one paragraph about the Jackson State shootings among the 2 pages of text that precede the Notes

Matthew Jeff wrote: "@Viola: there is one paragraph about the Jackson State shootings among the 2 pages of text that precede the Notes"

Thanks for filling that in, Jeff. I didn't remember for sure.

Matthew Viola wrote: "Thanks for update Jeff. (&Mathew )"

No problem, Viola! And thanks again to Jeff!

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