Matthew's Reviews > The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, audio, hoopla, horror, supernatural, young-adult, favorites

5+ Stars

Maybe the Gaiman curse is over for me because I loved this book.

As those who follow my reviews may know, I have been trying Gaiman for years without much luck. I could never really put my finger on it except for two things:

- Sometimes it felt like it was being artsy and weird in order to be cool and trendy
- Often the magic and supernatural happenings felt contrived and convenient. Fantasy is made up, but it should not feel like it is made up.

However, I did not encounter that at all with The Graveyard Book. The fantastical story was unique, flowed organically, and was super fun. While it was a bit dark in places, it was not scary - a light-hearted ghost story most of the time. The characters were excellent and I enjoyed my journey with them - I did not want it to end and I hated saying goodbye.

I highly recommend this one and will more than likely be pointing fellow readers to this one if they want to try Gaiman.

So . . . the curse is broken . . . will I have additional success if I try others or do I end my pursuit on top?
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Reading Progress

November 14, 2020 – Started Reading
November 14, 2020 – Shelved
November 14, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
November 14, 2020 – Shelved as: audio
November 14, 2020 – Shelved as: hoopla
November 14, 2020 – Shelved as: horror
November 14, 2020 – Shelved as: supernatural
November 14, 2020 –
10.0% "A strange adoption"
November 14, 2020 –
39.0% "Grave matters"
November 15, 2020 –
72.0% "Growing older while everything else stays the same"
November 16, 2020 – Finished Reading
November 17, 2020 – Shelved as: young-adult
November 17, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-50 of 54 (54 new)

Liane This was my first Gaiman, a lot of years back as a pre-reading exercise for my then-young readers. Have enjoyed a number of his since, though perhaps audiobooks particularly since he usually reads them and his voice works for us. I’m curious which you’ve disliked and will go check that out.

Eric Richards Haha, yes! I’m a Gaiman acolyte so I can’t really be trusted but that’s awesome that you loved this book. It’s one of my favorites by him. Maybe you should end with a good taste in your mouth. But if you want to try more I would have to recommend Coraline and Neverwhere. I think those along with Graveyard are his best.

message 3: by Saul (last edited Nov 18, 2020 12:04AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Saul Escalona Hmm, great review Mathew. I liked equally or better Gaiman's "Neverwnere".

Matthew Liane wrote: "This was my first Gaiman, a lot of years back as a pre-reading exercise for my then-young readers. Have enjoyed a number of his since, though perhaps audiobooks particularly since he usually reads ..."

The ones I have tried previously are Good Omens, American Gods, and, my least favorite, The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

Sophie This one and Anansi Boys were the ones that have worked best for me.

Matthew Eric wrote: "Haha, yes! I’m a Gaiman acolyte so I can’t really be trusted but that’s awesome that you loved this book. It’s one of my favorites by him. Maybe you should end with a good taste in your mouth. But ..."

I have heard good things about Neverwhere from MANY people. So if I don't end here, that is probably my next Gaiman stop.

Matthew Saul wrote: "Hmm, great review Mathew. I liked equally or better Gaiman's "Neverwnere"."

Thanks, Saul!

Sounds like another vote for me to try Neverwhere! :D

message 8: by Neo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Neo Marshkga This was my second Gaiman book, and i loved it, i started pretty late with The Ocean at the end of the Lane, which, if you liked this one, you might also enjoy.
Happy that you enjoyed it, i love reading your reviews :D

Matthew Sophie wrote: "This one and Anansi Boys were the ones that have worked best for me."

Interesting . . . I don't think anyone has mentioned Anansi Boys to me before when recommending.

Julie G I love this book!

Matthew Neo wrote: "This was my second Gaiman book, and i loved it, i started pretty late with The Ocean at the end of the Lane, which, if you liked this one, you might also enjoy.
Happy that you enjoyed it, i love reading your reviews :D"

Thank you, Neo! I love to hear that!

Sadly, The Ocean at the End of the Lane was one of his books that I could not stand. I almost DNFed - it was one of the longest short books I ever read! But, seems like I am in the minority on that opinion.

Carol Glad you enjoyed too Matthew!

Jennifer I recently went on a Gaiman bender and read a huge selection of his books. Some I found to be amazing, others, about average. I do agree that this is one of his better stories and, maybe I'm wrong to say this, but I'm so glad it hasn't been turned into a movie or television series. It's sometimes nice just to read.

Karen Glad you enjoyed this. My favorite Gaiman book! Always enjoy reading your reviews.

Matthew Julie wrote: "I love this book!"

:D I am glad I found a Neil Gaiman book to love, too!

message 16: by Chad (new) - rated it 5 stars

Chad Neverwhere and Good Omens have always been my two favorite Gaiman stories if you're looking to try something else.

Trish I hope you've beaten the curse and am happy that you enjoyed this so much! :)

Matthew Carol wrote: "Glad you enjoyed too Matthew!"

Me too, Carol, me too! :D

Carmen We have similar feelings about Gaiman.

Matthew Jennifer wrote: "I recently went on a Gaiman bender and read a huge selection of his books. Some I found to be amazing, others, about average. I do agree that this is one of his better stories and, maybe I'm wrong to say this, but I'm so glad it hasn't been turned into a movie or television series. It's sometimes nice just to read."

While I do think this one could possibly make a cool mini-series . . . I agree that maybe it is best left on the page. I guess at least we can ignore it if they make it into a show and we hear it is bad! :)

Matthew Karen wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this. My favorite Gaiman book! Always enjoy reading your reviews."

Thanks, Karen! I appreciate your kind words!

And, I am glad you like this one, too! :D

Jamie Dacyczyn Gaiman is hit or miss for me, but this might be my favorite of his.

Matthew Chad wrote: "Neverwhere and Good Omens have always been my two favorite Gaiman stories if you're looking to try something else."

Another vote for Neverwhere! :)

I have read Good Omens twice . . . the second time hoping for a better result. Felt mediocre to me both times. Pretty sure I am in the minority with those feelings.

message 24: by Trish (last edited Nov 19, 2020 12:00PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Trish You are, if all the others value their lives. *evil grin*
The "problem" with GO is that it's a collaboration. Those are usually hit-or-miss.
As for Gaiman's other works, I shall refuse to speak with you. ;P *proudly displays her Gaiman fan badge*

Matthew Trish wrote: "As for Gaiman's other works, I shall refuse to speak with you. ;P *proudly displays her Gaiman fan badge*"

Hey, I can't help it if you have bad taste! #BURN

*hopes joking tone comes through the internet this time since it doesn't always*

Trish Matthew wrote: "Trish wrote: "As for Gaiman's other works, I shall refuse to speak with you. ;P *proudly displays her Gaiman fan badge*"

Hey, I can't help it if you have bad taste! #BURN

*hopes joking tone comes..."

Let's talk about this like adults, shall we?

Matthew Trish wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Trish wrote: "As for Gaiman's other works, I shall refuse to speak with you. ;P *proudly displays her Gaiman fan badge*"

Hey, I can't help it if you have bad taste! #BURN

*hopes j..."

Beyonce with a ball bat!? Things just got REAL!

Ricky McConnell glad you liked it. I think this is my favorite so far by him. I have not read many yet.

Matthew Carmen wrote: "We have similar feelings about Gaiman."

Glad I am not alone, Carmen! :D

Trish Matthew wrote: "Beyonce with a ball bat!? Things just got REAL!"

Ayup. >:D

Matthew Jamie wrote: "Gaiman is hit or miss for me, but this might be my favorite of his."

Sounds like your experiences have been similar to mine - glad we found one we both liked!

Taylor Dodge I love Neil Gaiman but this is my FAVORITE of his. So glad you enjoyed it!

Helen I loved this and Stardust, really enjoyed Sandman. But many others are just meh.... The Norse one bored me. I’m not sure what it is that doesn’t appeal.

Matthew Ricky wrote: "glad you liked it. I think this is my favorite so far by him. I have not read many yet."

Which others have you read? This is for sure my favorite of his so far!

Matthew Taylor *Sits on the Top Shelf* wrote: "I love Neil Gaiman but this is my FAVORITE of his. So glad you enjoyed it!"

The favorite of a Neil Gaiman fan - glad I liked this one then! When I don't like someone's favorite, I feel kinda bad!

Matthew Helen wrote: "I loved this and Stardust, really enjoyed Sandman. But many others are just meh.... The Norse one bored me. I’m not sure what it is that doesn’t appeal."

I saw the Stardust movie, but never read the book. Norse Mythology did not sound interesting to me.

message 37: by Chad (last edited Nov 20, 2020 12:43PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Chad Matthew wrote: "I saw the Stardust movie, but never read the book. Norse Mythology did not sound interesting to me."

The Stardust book is a billion times better with beautiful illustrations from Charles Vess. I actually had a chance to meet Neil Gaiman and get him to autograph my copy of the original issues years ago.

message 38: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) Nice...I've attempted a few of his books, but there's something about his style that doesn't work for me..this one might be worth looking at

Ricky McConnell I have read Odd and the Frost Giants, and The Ocean at the End of The Lane.

Matthew Jonathan wrote: "Nice...I've attempted a few of his books, but there's something about his style that doesn't work for me..this one might be worth looking at"

It sounds like you feel the same as I have traditionally felt about Gaiman, so this could be a winner for you! Good luck if you try it!

message 41: by Karen (new)

Karen Maybe I'll have to give this book a go. I have only read one of his books and it was huge miss for me.

Matthew Ricky wrote: "I have read Odd and the Frost Giants, and The Ocean at the End of The Lane."

I don't know Odd and the Frost Giants, but I am not a fan of The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

Matthew Karen wrote: "Maybe I'll have to give this book a go. I have only read one of his books and it was huge miss for me."

Which one was that?

message 44: by Karen (new)

Karen The Ocean at the End of the Lane

Liane I really enjoyed American Gods and recollect Anansi Boys being very much the same style (of course it is id’d as a sequel, so that would be logical.)

Matthew Karen wrote: "The Ocean at the End of the Lane"

Okay, well, that was one I really didn't care for, so, if you have the same trends as I do, you will like this one!

Matthew Liane wrote: "I really enjoyed American Gods and recollect Anansi Boys being very much the same style (of course it is id’d as a sequel, so that would be logical.)"

Oh, Anansi Boys is a sequel to American Gods? I didn't know that.

message 48: by Ruth (new)

Ruth Failor Matthew, would you say this is tame enough and listening would be appropriate for 4, 7 year old boys? The 7 year old had all Harry Potter books read to him. Another reviewer said his 4 year old listened to this with him and was very entertained.

Liane Forgive me, “sequel” is probably the wrong word. It is labeled as #2 in goodreads and shares same world and some character overlap. I think the feel is similar (which I liked, but you perhaps didn’t with Gaiman). These stories took me down the rabbit hole of novels about native American or other gods

Matthew Liane wrote: "Forgive me, “sequel” is probably the wrong word. It is labeled as #2 in goodreads and shares same world and some character overlap. I think the feel is similar (which I liked, but you perhaps didn’..."

HA! Nope, Sequel sounds perfect to me! :) Thanks for the extra info/background on Anansi Boys. I did not care much for American Gods, so I am not sure if I will try and book similar to it, but it is good to know!

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