Matthew's Reviews > Boulder Dam

Boulder Dam by Zane Grey
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, historical-fiction, audible, audio, western, favorites, action-thriller

4 to 4.5 stars (Rounding up because I was so darn entertained)

I read Riders of the Purple Sage several years ago and always wanted to try Zane Grey again. However, after reading Riders and looking at several other titles as possible follow-ups, I always assumed my next would be a classic Western. But, that is not the case with Boulder Dam.

While Boulder Dam does take place in the American West just outside of Las Vegas, it is not the typical cowboys and cattle rustler type story. Instead, as the title would indicate, the events of the story take place during the construction of Boulder Dam (eventually Hoover Dam) and deal with corruption and human trafficking in Las Vegas and the newly constructed Boulder City.

I found this title while looking through some options on Audible. Grey was a very prolific writer and this appears to be one of his lesser know titles. But, I think I found a gem! It jumped out at me because I visited Hoover Dam a few years ago and was fascinated by the history of the construction. To read a historical fiction novel based on that time period, location, and the people who built it was perfect!

The story is a perfect balance of action, suspense, intrigue, and history. If you have zero interest in the history of the construction of Hoover Dam, some of the sequences may not interest you. I love how all the characters are sort of caricatures of certain types instead of being realistic written: manly heroes, vile villains, hard-nosed lawmen, damsels in distress. I felt like I was watching a black and white film from the 40s with borderline bad acting and I loved it!

If you love historical fiction and "sort-of" Westerns - especially anything relating to the early days of Las Vegas - do yourself a favor and check this one out!
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Reading Progress

November 9, 2020 – Started Reading
November 9, 2020 – Shelved
November 9, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
November 9, 2020 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
November 9, 2020 – Shelved as: audible
November 9, 2020 – Shelved as: audio
November 9, 2020 – Shelved as: western
November 9, 2020 –
33.0% "Pueblo"
November 10, 2020 –
63.0% "Duck soup"
November 11, 2020 –
81.0% "Sabotage"
November 13, 2020 – Finished Reading
November 15, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites
November 15, 2020 – Shelved as: action-thriller

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message 1: by Chris (new)

Chris Terrific review!

Matthew Chris wrote: "Terrific review!"

Thanks, Chris! I hope it encourages others to check out what appears to be a little known book.

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