MischaS_'s Reviews > The Cat in the Hat

The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
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bookshelves: english

I never really read anything by Dr Seuss when I was younger (only recently I read Grinch). And I just remember how I've always seen his books being mention in YA and wondered what's that about.

And I still don't know why only two of his books were translated into Czech (if I can trust Czech version of Goodreads).

Anyway, this was quite fun and quick read. But the important question is if anyone ever did a horror version of The Cat in the Hat because it's just asking for it, isn't it?
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September 29, 2020 – Shelved
October 15, 2020 – Started Reading
October 15, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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Shelley's Book Nook A horror version would be awesome! I call my ex-husbands Thing One and Thing Two. 😂

✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ Terrific review, L💕veツ,

message 3: by Azet (new)

Azet Great review Mischa!

I also recently read the Grinch to my younger brother,and i am so sad that its the only book by Dr Seuss in my local library!!I have seen all the movie adaptions of his books and would love to read the books also!!I grew up watching the movie adaption to Dr Seuss "Cat in the Hat" starring Dakota Fanning,absolutely delightful tale!!

MischaS_ ʚϊɞ Shelley's ʚϊɞ Book Nook wrote: "A horror version would be awesome! I call my ex-husbands Thing One and Thing Two. 😂"

I know, right! I need a horror version of this!
Hahah, well, no more ex-husbands for you than. 😂

MischaS_ ❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Terrific review, L💕veツ,"

Thank you so much. ❤

MischaS_ Azet wrote: "Great review Mischa!

I also recently read the Grinch to my younger brother,and i am so sad that its the only book by Dr Seuss in my local library!!I have seen all the movie adaptions of his books ..."

Thank you so much.

Dakota Fanning? Seriously? I need to watch that... at one point she was my favourite actress. 😊

✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ MischaS_ wrote: "❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Terrific review, L💕veツ,"

Thank you so much. ❤"

💋 It'sMy Pleasure MischaS ツ

MischaS_ ❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Terrific review, L💕veツ,"

Thank you so much. ❤"

💋 It'sMy Pleasure MischaS ツ"


message 9: by Corina Anghel (new)

Corina Anghel I like this book! Its very funny!

MischaS_ Corina Anghel wrote: "I like this book! Its very funny!"

Me as well!

MischaS_ Lucia wrote: "Hi"


message 12: by Joe lloyd (new) - added it

Joe lloyd Alexa

Zamira Like omg I don't like the story but I love it😍😍😍😍

message 14: by Brittany (new) - added it

Brittany Hi

message 15: by Brittany (new) - added it

Brittany Hi

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

nice review

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