Laura Noggle's Reviews > The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit

The Dip by Seth Godin
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bookshelves: 2020, business, under-200-pages

“Quit or be exceptional. Average is for losers.”

My 10th Seth Godin book. He is fantastic at short little books that pack a powerful punch. I can see myself revisiting this one, especially as it is so brief.

Knowing when to quit is an important skill. Hang in there when the payoff is great, but even winners throw in the towel from time to time.

“Persistent people are able to visualize the idea of light at the end of the tunnel when others can't see it.”
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Reading Progress

September 27, 2020 – Started Reading
September 27, 2020 – Shelved
September 27, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
September 27, 2020 – Shelved as: business
September 27, 2020 – Finished Reading
September 30, 2020 – Shelved as: under-200-pages

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#AskMissPatience I've learned this as a reader. Growing up illiterate grew to think success requires finishing a book from beginning to end once started.

DNF is a new abbreviation learned here. When I stamp a book this way I have grown to enjoy sharing why I won't finish and even have a couple of books on the DNF pile.

DNF gives me this warm happy empowering confident feeling from surpassing my private feelings of inadequacy from my lack of confidence growing up as a struggle bus barely reader.

No amount of trying changed this until audio lifted the veil.

Now, I'm able to listen and follow along plus continue to visually practice.

At 55 years old being humble about this struggle and the confidence to quit a book with good reason makes me so happy. As does your review.

I'm adding this to my list 😁

Laura Noggle Patience K wrote: "I've learned this as a reader. Growing up illiterate grew to think success requires finishing a book from beginning to end once started.

DNF is a new abbreviation learned here. When I stamp a boo..."

Wow, thank you for sharing, Patience!! I love this!! I have recently been finding more confidence in quitting books as well, I think it is usually drummed into us too often at a young age that "quitting is for losers" — but it is entirely situational and dependent on so many factors. Life is too short for bad books; here's to quitting books and enjoying all formats of books! 🎉

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