Matthew's Reviews > The Halloween Tree

The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, fantasy, hoopla, horror, library, favorites, magical-realism, supernatural, monsters, audio

My first thought after finishing The Halloween Tree is that it should be a Halloween tradition in the same way A Christmas Carol by Dickens is a Christmas tradition. They are both stories of how characters have forgotten the meaning of the season and the mysterious supernatural spirits that help them find it again. In The Halloween Tree, it is a group of boys dressed as the usual Halloween characters (mummy, skeleton, grim reaper, etc.) who don't know anything more about Halloween than it is costumes and Trick or Treating. Then, they run into the mysterious Mr. Moundshroud who takes them on a journey to show them why they dress up and what Halloween really is.

I love Bradbury and I love his writing. That was no different with The Halloween Tree. The flow of the book was perfect and I was enthralled every step of the way. He is so good at combining reality with fantasy - it is always a pleasure to read one of his works. I can't say that everyone will have the same experience with this book, but if you are a Bradbury fan, you CANNOT go wrong giving this one a try.

Another fascinating thing about this one is that it is non-fiction in a way as well. As the characters journey through time to learn the meaning of Halloween, they learn the history of the superstitions that combined to create the Halloween we know today. From Egyptian tombs, to Druidic rituals, to witch hunts, to the towers of Notre Dame, to the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico - you are definitely going to learn something along the way!

And, finally, after all that a very harrowing "what would you do?" climax. All of this in a novella length story. A lot is packed in here so that you can get a complete and fulfilling Halloween experience in a short period of time.

I don't know if everyone will agree that this is Halloween perfection, but it is pretty darn close!

Bonus: our 2020 Jack-o'-lanterns as designed by my 8 and 6 year old:

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Reading Progress

September 15, 2020 – Shelved
September 15, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
October 31, 2020 – Started Reading
October 31, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
October 31, 2020 – Shelved as: fantasy
October 31, 2020 – Shelved as: hoopla
October 31, 2020 – Shelved as: horror
October 31, 2020 – Shelved as: library
October 31, 2020 –
22.0% "Moundshroud"
October 31, 2020 –
76.0% "Candy skulls"
October 31, 2020 – Finished Reading
November 1, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites
November 1, 2020 – Shelved as: magical-realism
November 1, 2020 – Shelved as: supernatural
November 1, 2020 – Shelved as: monsters
November 1, 2020 – Shelved as: audio

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Terry Sounds like this is for sure on next year’s Halloween list!

message 2: by Matthew (new) - added it

Matthew Cross Great review goodreads twin 🙂

Matthew Terry wrote: "Sounds like this is for sure on next year’s Halloween list!"

Yes! 100%! I would probably be ready for a Buddy Re-read by then!

Terry Matthew wrote: "Terry wrote: "Sounds like this is for sure on next year’s Halloween list!"

Yes! 100%! I would probably be ready for a Buddy Re-read by then!"

Sounds like a plan.

Matthew Matthew wrote: "Great review goodreads twin 🙂"

Thank you, other Matthew! 😃😃😃

Matthew Terry wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Terry wrote: "Sounds like this is for sure on next year’s Halloween list!"

Yes! 100%! I would probably be ready for a Buddy Re-read by then!"

Sounds like a plan."


Ginger Terry wrote: "Sounds like a plan."

Matthew wrote: "Yes! 100%! I would probably be ready for a Buddy Re-read by then!"

Count me in for the BR!

Great review Matthew! Glad this one is worth it and really excited to get to it next year. :D

Matthew Ginger wrote: "Terry wrote: "Sounds like a plan."

Matthew wrote: "Yes! 100%! I would probably be ready for a Buddy Re-read by then!"

Count me in for the BR!

Great review Matthew! Glad this one is worth it and ..."

Awesome! Let's do it! :D

Thanks, Ginger!

Kenny My first thought after finishing The Halloween Tree is that it should be a Halloween tradition in the same way A Christmas Carol by Dickens is a Christmas tradition. I said the same thing in my review of The Halloween Tree as well. Bradbury is meant for October.

message 10: by Lucie (new) - added it

Lucie Moulton Added to my October reads!!!!

Matthew Kenny McCool wrote: "My first thought after finishing The Halloween Tree is that it should be a Halloween tradition in the same way A Christmas Carol by Dickens is a Christmas tradition. I said the same thing in my rev..."

Yes! And I cannot believe that October is almost here again already!

Matthew Lucie wrote: "Added to my October reads!!!!"


Stacey Just want to chime in and say that I agree this book would make for a great Halloween tradition, please don’t believe all of the “history” in it. It perpetuates a lot of misconceptions!

Matthew Stacey wrote: "Just want to chime in and say that I agree this book would make for a great Halloween tradition, please don’t believe all of the “history” in it. It perpetuates a lot of misconceptions!"

Yes - the depictions do seem a bit dated in some cases, but luckily I was able to just let that be a reflection of the time it was written and carry on. (That is not always the case!)

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