Matthew's Reviews > Alaska

Alaska by James A. Michener
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, historical-fiction, audio, library, favorites

Alaska is the most epic book I have ever read. I did read another Michener – Centennial – and it was very epic as well. But Alaska is super-duper EPIC! I cannot imagine how one person could write one book like Alaska much less all the other epics he wrote in his life. Michener is truly incredible.

One of the things that astounds me the most about Michener is that he takes non-fiction information, shares it with the reader in a really engaging way, and then seamlessly integrates it into a rich and colorful fictional narrative. If I told you this book is a history of Alaska from the creation of the Earth until the late 1980s and it is over a thousand pages long (depending on the edition your read), you would probably doze off just hearing the description. But it is not boring at all (at least it wasn’t for me). Fantastic characters, storytelling, historical events, disasters, triumphs, and generations of people and culture overlapping all serve to create a rewarding experience.

I will add a disclaimer to my review – one that has become very common as of late. As this book spans generations of time when ideas of what is appropriate have changed, there are some cultural depictions and language used that would be offensive if not being used to tell a story explaining how things were during these times. If you have any concern that you will not be able to handle these harsh depictions and language – even though they are historically relevant – you may want to proceed with caution if you decide to read this book.

If you are ready to invest a lot of time and energy into America’s largest and maybe most mysterious state, this is the book for you. Even if you never thought you would care all that much about Alaska and you just want to immerse yourself in an epic, historically based story, you cannot go wrong here. When I started it, I didn’t have any specific interest in learning about Alaska, but now I am very glad I did!
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Reading Progress

September 8, 2020 – Started Reading
September 8, 2020 – Shelved
September 8, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
September 8, 2020 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
September 8, 2020 – Shelved as: audio
September 8, 2020 – Shelved as: library
September 8, 2020 –
0% "Fire and ice"
September 8, 2020 –
0% "Shaman"
September 8, 2020 –
0% "Early Eskimos"
September 9, 2020 –
0% "Kamchatka"
September 9, 2020 –
0% "Tyrant among the sea otters"
September 11, 2020 –
0% "Mummy"
September 12, 2020 –
0% "Ulterior conversion"
September 13, 2020 –
0% "Totem"
September 15, 2020 –
0% "'Merica!"
September 16, 2020 –
0% "Big Ears"
September 17, 2020 –
0% "Missionaries, Reindeer, and Hooch"
September 19, 2020 –
0% "Yukon"
September 19, 2020 –
0% "Chilkoot Pass"
September 20, 2020 –
0% "Digging and digging and digging"
September 21, 2020 –
0% "Nome"
September 21, 2020 –
0% "Shady governing of Alaska for profit"
September 22, 2020 –
0% "Salmon"
September 23, 2020 –
0% "Cannery"
September 24, 2020 –
0% "Gyre"
September 24, 2020 –
0% "Shipwreck"
September 24, 2020 –
0% "Airplane"
September 25, 2020 –
0% "Skydiving dog"
September 26, 2020 –
0% "World War II"
September 26, 2020 –
0% "The big 8"
September 27, 2020 –
0% "Arctic education"
September 27, 2020 –
0% "Denali"
September 28, 2020 –
0% "Iditarod"
September 29, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites
September 29, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 70 (70 new)

message 1: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl Will watch for what you think of this one, Matthew. It's been on my shelf for years. I loved Chesapeake and Hawaii.

message 2: by Matthew (last edited Sep 09, 2020 10:23AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matthew Cheryl wrote: "Will watch for what you think of this one, Matthew. It's been on my shelf for years. I loved Chesapeake and Hawaii."

I have only read Centennial, but I really liked it!

message 3: by Dorothy (new)

Dorothy I read Chesapeake and I really enjoyed it. Is this one also great?

Matthew Dorothy wrote: "I read Chesapeake and I really enjoyed it. Is this one also great?"

So far, amazing! I just love the way he writes. It has a very similar feel to Centennial - and I bet that feel is in Chesapeake, too. Such a great storyteller!

message 5: by Sean (new)

Sean The Source and Tales of the South Pacific are also epic and excellent though South Pacific is shorter.

So sad that excellent literature "requires" a trigger warning merely for being accurate to a particular time period. I long for the days when politics does not intrude into every aspect of life.

If you like grand scope, deep thinking on meaningful topics with simultaneous interesting plot and characters, Michener is your man.

message 6: by Lena (new)

Lena I need to try this author. I want to start with Hawaii. Great review.

message 7: by Matthew (last edited Sep 29, 2020 02:19PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matthew Sean wrote: "The Source and Tales of the South Pacific are also epic and excellent though South Pacific is shorter.

So sad that excellent literature "requires" a trigger warning merely for being accurate to a particular time period. I long for the days when politics does not intrude into every aspect of life.

If you like grand scope, deep thinking on meaningful topics with simultaneous interesting plot and characters, Michener is your man."

Yes - loving Michener and hoping to get to all of them someday!

Honestly - I hate that I felt the need to include the disclaimer, but over the past year my physical health has been affected by all the anger and vitriol slung about on social media. So, when I encounter a sensitive topic, I err on the side of caution to avoid being the target of the anger (I quit Facebook and stopped watching/reading the news in May because of this).

Oh, and the other day I had to shut down Goodreads for a while because all the of J.K. Rowling debating was clogging my feed and making me sick to my stomach. Just so much anger and people being crummy to each other. I hate it!

message 8: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda Matthew. I also enjoyed Centennial. And (no shame) it took me a year. I typically read 2-3 books at a time. So I will add Alaska to my TBR list. Great review. I also have Texas on my list and in my bookcase.

Matthew Lena wrote: "I need to try this author. I want to start with Hawaii. Great review."

Thanks, Lena! Hawaii, Texas, and Alaska have always been on my radar. Now that I have checked off one, I am sure the others will be right around the corner! (after a bit of a break, of course)

Matthew Linda wrote: "Matthew. I also enjoyed Centennial. And (no shame) it took me a year. I typically read 2-3 books at a time. So I will add Alaska to my TBR list. Great review. I also have Texas on my list and in my..."

If you liked Centennial I am pretty sure you will like this one as well. I hope you do, Linda! Happy reading! 😁

message 11: by Maricarmen (new) - added it

Maricarmen Estrada M Fantastic review Matthew! My dad was a great fan of David Michener and I have a couple of his books just waiting for me in my library. Now I’m interested in this one too.

Amber I finished Hawaii a week or so ago and it was incredible! I am starting Alaska right now. Great review!

message 13: by Shannara (new) - added it

Shannara Wow!!! After reading this, I have to read this book!! Great review!!

message 14: by Farrah (new)

Farrah Super-duper review!!

message 15: by Scarlett (new) - added it

Scarlett Readz and Runz....Through Novel Time & Distance Oh?! This sounds amazing. Never heard of it. Need to check this out!

Matthew Maricarmen wrote: "Fantastic review Matthew! My dad was a great fan of David Michener and I have a couple of his books just waiting for me in my library. Now I’m interested in this one too."

Thank you, Maricarmen! Your dad was a wise man - and I hope you enjoy Michener as much as him!

message 17: by David (new) - added it

David Putnam Great review, I'm going to order it.

Matthew Amber wrote: "I finished Hawaii a week or so ago and it was incredible! I am starting Alaska right now. Great review!"

Thanks, Amber! It makes me even more excited to try out Hawaii. I hope you enjoy Alaska! 😁

message 19: by Pat (new)

Pat Awesome review Matthew! I’ve read a few of Michener’s books, he is an amazing author. I’m actually halfway through this and will have to pick it up again.

Matthew Shannara wrote: "Wow!!! After reading this, I have to read this book!! Great review!!"

Thanks, Shannara - you should! :)

Matthew Farrah wrote: "Super-duper review!!"

Thank you so much, Farrah! 😁

message 22: by Gaby (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gaby Bolivar Thanks for the recommendation! I read Centennial because my mom always talked about it while growing up and I absolutely adored it! I can’t wait to read this one

Matthew Scarlett wrote: "Oh?! This sounds amazing. Never heard of it. Need to check this out!"

Very amazing, Scarlett . . . I just love Michener's historical fiction! I hope you enjoy it, too! :)

message 24: by Sue (new) - added it

Sue A. The first sentence of your review had me immediately go on line and order Alaska. It's very hard to find but found a bookseller in Britain that had a copy fir a reasonable price. Thanks Matthew for the great review!

message 25: by Malcolm (new)

Malcolm Great review. I’ve been a Michener fan for years. If you have not run across it, try “The Source”. Another epic with real relevance to much that is happening in the world today.

Matthew David wrote: "Great review, I'm going to order it."

Awesome, David! And, thank you! :)

message 27: by Sean (new)

Sean Matthew wrote: "Honestly - I hate that I felt the need to include the disclaimer, but over the past year my physical health has been affected by all the anger and vitriol..."

Hey, I'm sorry to hear about that man and I hope you get well soon. Andrew Weil is a doctor who practices integrative medicine. At least as far back as the Nineties one of his most common prescriptions for his patients was a "news fast" so I think you're on the right track. You may enjoy 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. I did.

You may already know this, but you can unsubscribe to responses on particular books IF you are logged in on a computer rather than a phone. I think this would remove them from your GR feed.

Matthew Sarah wrote: "Great review Matthew. I like Alaska too but I think Hawaii and Texas are even more better. Another writer whose books are similar to Michener is Edward Rutherfurd. You might want to check him out t..."

Thanks, Sarah!

Every so often my wife tries to read Sarum: The Novel of England by Rutherfurd (she got into it when she spent a semester abroad there). I have thought about trying that one as well.

Matthew Pat wrote: "Awesome review Matthew! I’ve read a few of Michener’s books, he is an amazing author. I’m actually halfway through this and will have to pick it up again."

Thank you , Pat! I hope you enjoy continuing Alaska - I will keep my eye out for your review.

message 30: by Eric (new)

Eric Richards Thanks for the review Matthew. I've never tried to tackle a Michener novel before but now my interest is piqued. Although I might go with Texas since I used to live there and then go for Alaska.

message 31: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Micheal: I enjoyed Sarum a lot

message 32: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Sorry meant Matthew. Brain fade.

Matthew Gaby wrote: "Thanks for the recommendation! I read Centennial because my mom always talked about it while growing up and I absolutely adored it! I can’t wait to read this one"

No problem, Gaby! Your 5-star of Centennial is why I sent you the rec! :D Enjoy when you get to this one.

message 34: by Lori (new) - added it

Lori Wow! Great review! Now you are reading another of my favorite authors..James Michener . I think his epics are the best of his work. Several of his shorter novels feel like they were edited out of one of his epics and round out even more history. Maybe whenever life is normal again you might enjoy a visit toDoylestown,PA to the Michener Art Museum. Wonderful place! And dont miss Rutherford 's Sarum...I learned so much! You are wise about the news fast. Hope you feel inner wellness soon despite nutso 2020.

Matthew Sue wrote: "The first sentence of your review had me immediately go on line and order Alaska. It's very hard to find but found a bookseller in Britain that had a copy fir a reasonable price. Thanks Matthew for..."

Glad I drew you in, Sue! I hope you enjoy this epic - I am very glad you were able to find it! 🙂

Matthew Malcolm wrote: "Great review. I’ve been a Michener fan for years. If you have not run across it, try “The Source”. Another epic with real relevance to much that is happening in the world today."

Thank you, Malcolm! I have been seeing lots of mentions of "The Source" so it is definitely on my radar. Thanks for adding another rec for it! 🙂

message 37: by Chris (new)

Chris Another Michener fan here. Haven't read this one but will make sure I get to it after reading your review. I actually have The Source on my bedstand waiting to be opened.

message 38: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 Always down to read anything by Michener ;)

message 39: by Book2Dragon (new) - added it

Book2Dragon Thanks for the review. Michener is fiction's Asimov, a genius writer. Gerald N. Lund does historical novels the way you describe the way he integrates history and fact into his story. On my TBR loist.

message 40: by Gary (new) - rated it 4 stars

Gary K Bibliophile Great review Matthew! Last year I finished the year off by reading Hawaii. This year I plan to finish it with Alaska. From what I understand the formats of both are similar and I really enjoyed Hawaii (check out my review 😀🌋). I think you would like that one too. (Centennial is on my list too!)

Matthew Sean wrote: "Hey, I'm sorry to hear about that man and I hope you get well soon.."

Thanks for the kind words and the tips! I try my best to let it slide . . . and my hope is that most people are logical and reasonable and realize being crummy to each other is not the way to go. But, some days it seems worse than others.

Definitely a good idea to turn off what I can! :)

Matthew Eric wrote: "Thanks for the review Matthew. I've never tried to tackle a Michener novel before but now my interest is piqued. Although I might go with Texas since I used to live there and then go for Alaska."

No problem, Eric! I am definitely interested in Texas as well, and that does sound like a good option for you.

Matthew Stephen wrote: "Sorry meant Matthew. Brain fade."

Stephen wrote: "Micheal: I enjoyed Sarum a lot"

You are not the first to call me Michael! :D

My wife tried to read Sarum . . . I think I am going to go for audio.

message 44: by Janice (new)

Janice Boychuk That is a monumental read indeed!!

Matthew Lori wrote: "Wow! Great review! Now you are reading another of my favorite authors..James Michener . I think his epics are the best of his work. Several of his shorter novels feel like they were edited out of o..."

Thank you, Lori! For both your kind words about the review and support of my mental well-being. This year certainly has been a test!

I cannot wait to get to Sarum after all the comments on this review!

Matthew Chris wrote: "Another Michener fan here. Haven't read this one but will make sure I get to it after reading your review. I actually have The Source on my bedstand waiting to be opened."

Awesome, Chris! I hope you enjoy both this one and The Source. I hope to check out The Source soon, too.

Matthew Sud666 wrote: "Always down to read anything by Michener ;)"

So far, Michener has not done me wrong!

message 48: by Caro (new)

Caro So I will know a lot about Alaska and it's mysterious wonders after I read this book?

message 49: by Rich (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rich Nice review. I just finished this. I’ve read Chesapeake by him and really liked it. I enjoyed Alaska very much too. Learned a lot about Alaska. So many stages in this book, I my favorite was the gold rush times.

Matthew Book2Dragon wrote: "Thanks for the review. Michener is fiction's Asimov, a genius writer. Gerald N. Lund does historical novels the way you describe the way he integrates history and fact into his story. On my TBR loist."

You're welcome, Book2Dragon! Sounds like Gerald Lund is another author I should try. I hope you enjoy this one! 🙂

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