Baba's Reviews > The Nazis: A Warning from History

The Nazis by Laurence Rees
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: history-never-forget

In the words of Karl Jaspers "That which has happened is a warning. To forget it is guilt. It must be continually remembered. It was possible for this to happen, and it remains possible for it to happen again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented". This is an exceptional book companion to the exceptional TV series, that pulls no punches and exposes the Nazis for the inhumane butchers they were, and also how callous, inefficient, dysfunctional etc. they were. The book destroys myths about how efficient they were at anything but killing and causing destruction. A collection of historical facts, with a huge array of verified sources and interviews that everyone should read and understand the truth about the Nazis, how they operated, how they killed and how they truly saw themselves as the Ubermensch. 11 out of 12, Five Star read.

NAZI death squad in the Ukraine
2012 read
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Reading Progress

December 10, 2012 – Started Reading
December 17, 2012 – Finished Reading
May 27, 2020 – Shelved
May 27, 2020 – Shelved as: history-never-forget

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by William (new)

William Thank you for the review. Given the rise of dictator Trump, I would think there might be lessons here for America and the world.

Baba William wrote: "Thank you for the review. Given the rise of dictator Trump, I would think there might be lessons here for America and the world."

It amazes me that the Trumpists can't see that they are behaving exactly like ISIS or indeed 1930s NAZI's!


message 3: by William (new)

William It's said that Trump keeps a copy of Mein Kampf in his bedside drawer. Two sociopaths, linked across time and space, a curse upon mankind.

message 4: by P.E. (last edited Jan 12, 2022 04:52PM) (new)

P.E. The book destroys myths about how efficient they were at anything but killing and causing destruction

To be frank, your review and the work itself immediately remind me of an essay about the praxis of archeology under Nazi occupation - especially in France, carried out by a division of the SD, about Celtic monuments - and its legacy. Unfortunately, they weren't all hopeless dimwits... They were also masters with twisting facts according to their official worldview.

Here are some quotes (from the original text in French)
"Recrutant des intellectuels de formation universitaire, le SD fonctionne comme un instrument de recherche scientifique sur les opposants au nazisme (Gegnerforschung). Cet organisme exploite les outils fournis par les sciences humaines - comme en particulier l'histoire et la sociologie - pour identifier les opposants au projet nazi et connaître leur origine et leur fonctionnement afin de les éliminer" - p. 67

"Comme l'avaient reconnu les nazis, cette archéologie identitaire est destinée à devenir une « science combattante », une discipline d'« intérêt éminemment national ». Entre leurs mains, l'archéologie devient une arme qui permet d'éliminer l'Autre. Car, pour dépouiller l'Autre de sa raison d'exister, il faut d'abord lui enlever toute possibilité de s'inscrire dans l'Histoire." - p.34

"lorsqu'il s'agit d'exclure un groupe (...) c'est à cette archéologie-là qu'on fait appel. C'est elle qui atteste que la présence de l'Autre sur notre sol est illégitime, en montrant qu'elle n'y était pas aux origines. (...) Ce type d'archéologie en désigne les parties qui sont actuellement occupées par des peuples qui nous sont étrangers, et dont la présence est injustifiable." - p.34"

And the bone-chilling conclusion is:

'"C'est la notion de fait scientifique, comme production tangible et irrécusable, qui a été le plus directement affectée par le désastre du nazisme. (...) On se trompe quand on dit que les données de l'archéologie étaient détournées par la propagande nationale-socialiste. Elles étaient au contraire décrites avec le maximum de précision et d'exactitude comme en témoigne la documentation impeccable de l'archéologie allemande du IIIe Reich. Ce sont les faits mêmes qui ont été inventés. Les chercheurs au service de l'archéologie nazie ont privilégié des données archéologiques dont la nature consolidaient l'image du passé « germanique » que l'idéologie national-socialiste cherchait à imposer." - p.274-275'

Nos ancêtres les Germains : les archéologues au service du nazisme

message 5: by Aristotle (new)

Aristotle Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Baba William wrote: "It's said that Trump keeps a copy of Mein Kampf in his bedside drawer. Two sociopaths, linked across time and space, a curse upon mankind."

That comes as no surprise! What a despicable party many of the Republicans have become!

Baba P.E. wrote: "The book destroys myths about how efficient they were at anything but killing and causing destruction

To be frank, your review and the work itself immediately remind me of an essay about the praxi..."

Thanks for this PE. It's bone chilling that in the world today, right now, all of the Far Right and a shocking number on the Right are doing exactly this... the annihilation of any facts that are contrary to their inhumane agendas!

Baba Aristotle wrote: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."


message 9: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Baba! This sounds like a powerful read. I'm glad books like this keep us from forgetting the atrocities that have happened in history.

message 10: by Baba (new) - rated it 5 stars

Baba Yun wrote: "Great review, Baba! This sounds like a powerful read. I'm glad books like this keep us from forgetting the atrocities that have happened in history."

100% agree Yun!

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