MischaS_'s Reviews > Vicious Minds Part 2

Vicious Minds Part 2 by J.J. McAvoy
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Well, I wanted to rate this book 2⭐ , but then I sat here and asked myself what is the extra star for? And I could not come up with an answer.

So, I wanted to read this book since it *was* the last one in this series.
I was somewhere around the 40% mark, and I thought that the story was really dragging and nothing was happening, well, nothing which would move the story closer to the end and resolving everything. (And I believe that was one of the issues I had with Vicious Minds Part 1, I thought that there was so much unnecessary stuff that if half of it were cut there would be no need for book five.) And this book really seemed to have the same problem.
And what a shock. This is not that last book! It had to be pointed out to me because I had no idea. I would absolutely finish this book, and then I would stare at the: "To Be Continued". Why?

Every character is just destroyed, completely shredded to little idiots only to built up Calliope. (view spoiler)
I mean Calliope supposedly teased Ethan in public, I would say more that she humiliated him, to be honest. At this point, Ethan is Calliope's Ivy. (view spoiler) And I do not care how the next (not going to call it last just to be sure) book is going to spin this. That he was again lying in his POV?
Oh, and I almost forgot, since I'm talking about Ethan here (somehow this is just Calliope show now), let's just mention that I do not feel any chemistry between him and Calliope. None.

So, to probably the biggest thing that happened in this book which was basically almost at the end of it. (view spoiler) And right after that I just went to cook lunch. It was probably the most *shocking* moment, and only a couple of chapters left, and I did not care one bit.

And that's the problem. With everything going on. With trying to build-up Calliope. And maybe to even trump the Ruthless People? Like to show that the children's series can be more ruthless and more everything than the original. Unfortunately, for me, it does not work. It makes it forced. Unbelievable. Even artificial.
Sort of like a fake version of the story? And slowly while reading this book, I realised that I did not care for anything. Not for the story. Not for the characters. Not who's going to die, live, rule and whatever. And not just in this series, this includes the Ruthless People as well, one of my most re-read series ever.

I just cannot find it me to be interested in the story anymore because no matter what the next spin of the events will be, I won't trust it.

And I mean that. The author could take every single character I loved, kill them all and I would be like, yeah and? This spin-off or more precisely adding more books to it destroyed all characters for me, even Mel and Liam.

And the thing is I wish the events made me angry because then I would at least feel something towards this book. J.J. books usually made me feel so much, laugh, be angry and even cry, so, this emptiness is just shocking, and this really is a 1⭐ from me.
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Reading Progress

May 8, 2020 – Started Reading
May 8, 2020 – Shelved
May 8, 2020 –
35.0% "So far it's dragging to be honest, not much really happened. It does not feel like the plot is moving forward. A bit worried that a last couple of chapters will be rushed to get everything out there.
So, fingers crossed this will pick up soon enough."
May 9, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

Antonella wtf? this was supposed to be the last book...now it will be three part conclusion.. I am so lost right now...

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: "wtf? this was supposed to be the last book...now it will be three part conclusion.. I am so lost right now..."

What? What do you mean that this is not the last book?

Antonella "Part two of the epic three-part conclusion to the Ruthless People and Children of Vice series" this is what is written in the blurb of this book ..I am so confused and angry right now...

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: ""Part two of the epic three-part conclusion to the Ruthless People and Children of Vice series" this is what is written in the blurb of this book ..I am so confused and angry right now..."

Are you kidding me? Wow, it explains why I'm over 40% in and it feels like nothing of substance is really happening because there will yet another book?

I... I'm lost for words.

Children of Vice was announced as a trilogy.

Then a fourth book which okay.

Fifth one was pushing it for me but I thought I would just finish the series for better or worse.

But now a sixth one? Why.

I... just don't know what to think. Especially since so far the fifth book definitely was not good enough to restore the whole mess, it's maybe even making it worse.

Anyway, right now, I'm totally over the fact that there will be yet another book. But I'll hopefully finish this book tomorrow and then I'll decide how I really feel about it (minus my general dislike for endless adding more books to series). Who knows maybe in the rest the story will get way better.

Antonella MischaS_ wrote: "Antonella wrote: ""Part two of the epic three-part conclusion to the Ruthless People and Children of Vice series" this is what is written in the blurb of this book ..I am so confused and angry righ..."

I would love to hear your thoughts on this one when you finish. I was very honest in my opinion on book four in my review. I think we have a similar opinion. For me dragging this storyline, it doesn't help at all...I loved Mel and Liam and that series should be left alone. For me, she just screwd it up with this mess. Now I am not sure I want to read it at all... what is the point I don't care ...

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Antonella wrote: ""Part two of the epic three-part conclusion to the Ruthless People and Children of Vice series" this is what is written in the blurb of this book ..I am so confus..."

You'll have it! Hopefully tomorrow or Sunday.

I mean, at first, I liked book 4 but after finishing more and more I realised how bad it actually was.
Agreed on the fact that it's just dragging the storyline. Even book four was about nothing and half of it could have been deleted.

Yes, Liam and Mel were so iconic and I do not know why it's trying to dragged them into this mess. Because it's not only threatening to ruin the characters for you but now I fear it will cast a shadow over the Ruthless People series as well.
I don't really think it's smart to build up Ethan and Calliope as the new power couple by pinning them against Mel and Liam. Totally more people would be rooting for the latter.
Yeah, I get it, if I knew about book six before starting this book, I would be hesitant as well.

Antonella MischaS_ wrote: "Antonella wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Antonella wrote: ""Part two of the epic three-part conclusion to the Ruthless People and Children of Vice series" this is what is written in the blurb of this boo..."

At this point, I would be hate reading it and I don't need that negativity in my life...especially now...
Yeah, def check-in when you finish no pressure when...and I don't care about spoilers ..I mean who cares...

Antonella well there you have it...what is worse than rant review a review about the book that makes you feel - nothing... sucks but I don't have high hopes anyway

Jessica 🔮 I can't wait to hear your opinion on this book! I loved Ruthless People and the original trilogy, but after she changed the plot (yes, I don't belive Ethan was lying to us in the first book) I started hating this spin-off. Also, I'm so angry that she added another book 🙄🙄 I waited a year to read the conclusion of this saga but surprise, this is not the end 😠

message 10: by SWEETY (last edited May 09, 2020 07:45AM) (new)

SWEETY I feel like this world by JJ McAvoy’s has been stretched far too long. It should have stopped with the third book of Ruthless People series. With Liam and Mel and their children, even book 4 of ruthless people was unnecessary. Coz book 3 ended with a sorts of HEA. I’ve never felt the need to pick up and read this continuation series, I don’t think their kids are that interesting honestly. Now it feels like the series is just being milked for cash.

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: "well there you have it...what is worse than rant review a review about the book that makes you feel - nothing... sucks but I don't have high hopes anyway"

Yeah totally. And if I hated the book it would be so easy to write the review but this? This nothingness? Really strange.
Like, I did not have any hopes for this book, I just wanted to finish this series and here I am.

MischaS_ •PerSefone• wrote: "I can't wait to hear your opinion on this book! I loved Ruthless People and the original trilogy, but after she changed the plot (yes, I don't belive Ethan was lying to us in the first book) I star..."

I'm about to write it, I just had to think about it. Because this book just left my mind completely.

Thank you! The Ethan lying in his POV, in his thoughts is just such a nonsense. That's just too much. And I was excited about the fourth book, I wanted redemption because I disliked Ivy. But I would never imagine that it would come in the form of rewriting everything.
And yet again, I agree with you. When VM2 was announced I thought that it would be published in 2019, did not think we would have to wait that long and I wanted to finish this series. But I cannot anymore. I know that once again it's just one book left but who knows?

MischaS_ SWEETY wrote: "I feel like this world by JJ McAvoy’s has been stretched far too long. It should have stopped with the third book of Ruthless People series. With Liam and Mel and their children, even book 4 of rut..."

I would never imagine I would say this but I agree. Ruthless people as a series are fantastic. Yes, the fourth book is a bit of stick-on, it does not really go with the flow since book 3 had an ending. But I still had fun reading book 4. It's not perfect and it is totally unnecessary but it was still good.

As for the kids' spin-off, I liked the "one kid one book". Ethan's book was terrible. Dona's was better and I was actually interested in her spin-off series but seeing that that was years ago and now I would still need to wait probably years for it, I think that I'll pass on that one. Then Wyatt's book, I had my issues with it but it was very much a fun read. But the moment book 4 started rewriting the events of book 1 it just went real bad.

"Now it feels like the series is just being milked for cash." --> I did not want to say it myself first, but I sort of have to agree.

message 14: by Antonella (last edited May 09, 2020 12:33PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Antonella SWEETY wrote: "I feel like this world by JJ McAvoy’s has been stretched far too long. It should have stopped with the third book of Ruthless People series. With Liam and Mel and their children, even book 4 of rut..."

I was thinking about it myself, that book 4 in Ruthless People is unnecessary..that should have been a trilogy!! and it would be perfect...usually readers pester authors to write more...I never was in this position to beg the author to stop with the series. Now I am afraid that she will ruin Mel & Liam just to advance some new narrative( bc I don't buy that was the idea from the beginning) of Ethan and that wannabe Melody whats her name...

Adrianna I have been a fan of the author and the Ruthless People series for about 3 years, but even I can admit that Vicious Minds doesn’t have the same intrigue or the plot twists. It should have ended with A Bloody Kingdom or with each child getting one book with a concluded story and I 100% agree the story is dragging.

MischaS_ Adrianna wrote: "I have been a fan of the author and the Ruthless People series for about 3 years, but even I can admit that Vicious Minds doesn’t have the same intrigue or the plot twists. It should have ended wit..."

Totally the same, I have no idea even how many times I re-read the Ruthless People series.

And I cannot believe I'm saying this (see I disliked Ivy) but yes, the children's spin-off is destroying all of it to the point I do not believe I'll re-read the Ruthless People in the future.

Antonella MischaS_ wrote: "Adrianna wrote: "I have been a fan of the author and the Ruthless People series for about 3 years, but even I can admit that Vicious Minds doesn’t have the same intrigue or the plot twists. It shou..."

I didn't like Ivy either especially at the beginning of book one..but later on, she was better especially after all that went down in Boston. I thought okay that could work she could be his opposite someone who balances him out. But you know what there isn't an author where I loved every couple or every character...
This is just stupid... what is stopping her from writing book 7 storyline;" if was all a dream "...

Antonella fab review Mischa!! So she is destroying OG characters for a character introduced in book 8 if we count the Ruthless series and we should...
as this point thing you said about not trusting that next book is the last is what resonates with me the most!

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Adrianna wrote: "I have been a fan of the author and the Ruthless People series for about 3 years, but even I can admit that Vicious Minds doesn’t have the same intrigue or the plo..."

Totally HATED Ivy and now I'm sort of sorry for that? I would rather have one Ivy in the Callahan family than all of them being worse than she ever was.

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: "fab review Mischa!! So she is destroying OG characters for a character introduced in book 8 if we count the Ruthless series and we should...
as this point thing you said about not trusting that ne..."

Thank you! Yeah, for me she's totally destroying all characters because everyone but Calliope is a useless oaf. 🤷‍♀️

Aziadée I feel like my is written like a tv show. You know, when there’s not as much views and you need something to boost your story back. So you kill off a character to bring another one more ruthless and crazy ... bla-bla-bla To be honest, this makes me think of that show, Dynasty... But like, Calliope makes no damn sense. Ethan doesn’t either, and Liam explained it plenty in his chapter, and I could understand the reasoning in theory, but it just doesn’t make sense at ALL. And I honestly feel sad about it. Because everything that made these book was FAMILY the force of unity, even when it hurts, it’s just protect your family at the end. It was a big disappointment. The lying of book one just threw me. Like why would you liiiiiie.
I’ll still read the last one (and to be honest I’ve been jumping to the last chapter since VM1) I need this horrible feelings to end.

Ruemie Gwan Ethan and cantaloupe 🍈😂😂😂

Abstract ♥ Books Your first sentence about this book not being deserving of an extra star is so true!!!! I just feel so tricked , I mean this book was supposed to be the last and the moment this book got released , the author announced there is another part!!! That's cheating 🥺

FERVENTREADS I just finished this book and you hit the nail on the head. I loved ruthless people and al the OG characters. I was looking forward to the children because like you said I was expecting them to be better and more ruthless than Mel and Liam. I was excited to see how Ethan and Calliope would evolve esp with how part 1 ended. Part 2 was just 🤦🏾‍♀️ everything felt rushed, I felt no connection between Ethan and Calli. The Callahan means nothing. They’re relationship felt forced. Then for her to kill an OG was just heartbroken. I thought they we’re all about family? Then for Mel and Liam to now be the enemy was just too much. There were so many thing that could’ve been done differently.

MischaS_ Lilia wrote: "I feel like my is written like a tv show. You know, when there’s not as much views and you need something to boost your story back. So you kill off a character to bring another one more ruthless an..."

haha, totally right. 😂Did not see Dynasty, but I totally get it.

And yes, this book or more precisely the whole series is destroyed by the lies. Not working.

Haha, I was like: I'm not reading the last one. But like, I may will. But currently, I cannot think about an ending which I would deem decent at least.

Btw, did you change your rating? I thought that you gave it four before.

MischaS_ Book wrote: "Ethan and cantaloupe 🍈😂😂😂"

Hahh, I went through my review thinking I mistyped her name. 😂

MischaS_ Abstract wrote: "Your first sentence about this book not being deserving of an extra star is so true!!!! I just feel so tricked , I mean this book was supposed to be the last and the moment this book got released ,..."

Thank you. I just cannot find anything good about it.

I did not see the announcement. I was already reading the book (thinking nothing is happening) and then it was pointed out to me that there will be the sixth one. Not fair, Not cool, Not necessary.

But hey, she thought that she call pull off us believing that Ethan was lying in his thoughts in book one, so, she thought we might be happy for another filler book.

MischaS_ FERVENTREADS wrote: "I just finished this book and you hit the nail on the head. I loved ruthless people and al the OG characters. I was looking forward to the children because like you said I was expecting them to be ..."

Thank you so much!
I actually did not want this series to try to best the OG series. I wanted it to be its own thing. Because once the new one started to compete with the original one it was on a losing track. No matter what.
First I loved part 1 then saw a lot of problems with it and hoped that part 2 the final one would resolve it. Well, it made it even worse.
And yes, there is nothing between Calliope and Ethan. I meant, minus the opening chapter which was in the past, did they even kiss in this book?

This book is just a mess and I don't see any good potential ending. Or anything how the author is going to explain her behaviour. I'm not interested in more lies from this series.

Agyeman You said everything i was you said everything i was too upset to say. Thank you. I'm so mad at the book and the author. There was not one redeeming quality in this one. Ethan shouting at his brother, calliope shooting Suri, Helene's stupid speech to Suri, Coraline's death... No just No.

message 30: by Kirti (new) - rated it 1 star

Kirti Sharma I totally agree with you! The chemistry between them is bull and forced!! I'm so disappointed with JJ McAvoy. I love Ruthless People and it was not that bad in part 1, I was shocked and angry but I never liked Ivy so, I was okay with the twist and lying. I was waiting for Part 2, I was excited but that came out to be so stupid. Basically, all the other characters besides Calliope are stupid! She was just humiliating everybody even Ethan who is supposed to be 'Ceann na conairte.'

MischaS_ Agyeman wrote: "You said everything i was you said everything i was too upset to say. Thank you. I'm so mad at the book and the author. There was not one redeeming quality in this one. Ethan shouting at his brothe..."

Thank you so much! I'm sorry it was a disappointment for you as well. 😔
And I'm just like... it was just so bad to the point that I'm not even mad.
It's very hard for me to find something redeeming about it. 🤷‍♀️

MischaS_ Kirti wrote: "I totally agree with you! The chemistry between them is bull and forced!! I'm so disappointed with JJ McAvoy. I love Ruthless People and it was not that bad in part 1, I was shocked and angry but I..."

Kirti wrote: "I totally agree with you! The chemistry between them is bull and forced!! I'm so disappointed with JJ McAvoy. I love Ruthless People and it was not that bad in part 1, I was shocked and angry but I..."

Yeah, the chemistry was none in this book. 🤷‍♀️
I mean, I really disliked Ivy as well and I was happy/hopeful for Calliope existing but the "pretend it was planned and the lying in his thoughts in his own POV" just did not sit well with me. And then this book came out and... what was the point of this book? Why do we need another one?

And yes! It's just Calliope show now and no matter what Ethan was okay with being humiliated in public. And I don't care what the explanation for it will be in the next book.

message 33: by Kirti (new) - rated it 1 star

Kirti Sharma MischaS_ wrote: "Kirti wrote: "I totally agree with you! The chemistry between them is bull and forced!! I'm so disappointed with JJ McAvoy. I love Ruthless People and it was not that bad in part 1, I was shocked a..."
Yeah!! I don't think I'm gonna read part 3. I mean what was the point of 'Family is everything' when she kills Coraline and Ethan is okay with that. In the last chapter she shows Ethan's POV and he knows everything(like he always does but do nothing about it anyway) and he is still expecting for an explanation for all this.

In the beginning, she had asked me, “What if I need your blood for that kingdom?” And I told her,“Then, take it without hesitation.”

I liked Ethan but now, I can't say the same.

message 34: by amirahlynn (new) - added it

amirahlynn I preordered this book to support JJ McAvoy but now I’m too sad to read it😭😭

Aziadée I actually rated VM1 4stars then changed it to 3. But this one got me shook. No I don’t like the story or how it all went down in this book. Because see, if I’m objective they could be good books, they really could be in my opinion if we didn’t have the insight of the THREE previous books, and the original books. This is my main issue, I hated that the first book was just thrown away... the story was valid, and it’s just weird to say a character was lying in his thoughts 😩😩

message 36: by Ms (new) - rated it 1 star

Ms Angee You just took the words right out my mouth, it's infuriating... Like kill all of the already, Ethan is the worst disappointment of them all, he is supposed to be King yet he is acting like a "ruthless" whipped puppy....aaaaargh! Somebody set the Callahan mansion on fire with them all in it, that's the only way the end is satisfying

message 37: by Anita (new)

Anita Reid 😩 hated it!! But I will read the final book whoever it comes out. This book was a complete mess.. I awaited so long for the orgasm that never came. The only hope is a twist for IVY to return.. let’s be done with this series.

Aziadée Yaaayyy. Let Ivy come back and erase all that mindfuck we had to go through 😭😭😭 OMG she would make my year if Ivy came back.

message 39: by Mahlogonolo (new)

Mahlogonolo Tlhogi At this point I just wanna read about Donatella and her prince and their kingdom rather than this...how Ethan did Ivy ruined it for me. I'm team Liam and Melody all the way. By the way, I'm on page 60 and everytime I'm not sure if I wanna continue or.. 🙄👎🏿

MischaS_ Kirti wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Kirti wrote: "I totally agree with you! The chemistry between them is bull and forced!! I'm so disappointed with JJ McAvoy. I love Ruthless People and it was not that bad in part 1..."

At first I was thinking that I won't read the last one but think I may read it if it comes fast enough just to finish this chapter (or should I say book?)

And I totally get your issues with the whole book.

MischaS_ Amirah wrote: "I preordered this book to support JJ McAvoy but now I’m too sad to read it😭😭"

Oh no! I do not want to discourage you from reading it... and possibly liking it!
And I get it, I just really want to support all the author but... no matter what, no matter how much I love any author or if they possibly wrote my favourite book, I will still judge and rate every book separately.
I love JJ but subjectively to me this book was disappointing, to say the least.

But as I said, it's all subjective.

MischaS_ L wrote: "I actually rated VM1 4stars then changed it to 3. But this one got me shook. No I don’t like the story or how it all went down in this book. Because see, if I’m objective they could be good books, ..."

Ehm, I believe the same? At first, I was like "THIS IS AWESOME!" And then I thought about it and started to see so many issues with it and realised that I was actually not really okay with that book.

The "lied in his thoughts" and trying to rewrite everything to a different narrative was just wrong? And it carried to VM2 as well unfortunately.

MischaS_ Angee wrote: "You just took the words right out my mouth, it's infuriating... Like kill all of the already, Ethan is the worst disappointment of them all, he is supposed to be King yet he is acting like a "ruthl..."

Oh no, you as well? I was started to think I would be the black sheep when I posted my review in midst of 5 stars. But seeing all of you to say that you were disappointed as well... Sigh.
Totally! Just a weakling and I don'T care what the great twist in the next book will be. He was weak in this book and that does not go away.

As for killing everyone. I would not be angry, to be honest, I just lost any interest in any and every single character in this series.

MischaS_ Anita wrote: "😩 hated it!! But I will read the final book whoever it comes out. This book was a complete mess.. I awaited so long for the orgasm that never came. The only hope is a twist for IVY to return.. let’..."

This book was very flat, with little happening and there was just no gradation. And even the big "twist" did not do anything for me.

I saw someone calling this book a half book since the next one should have been the rest of this book. And I have to say that I agree.

Well, that would be unexpected to say the least!

MischaS_ L wrote: "Yaaayyy. Let Ivy come back and erase all that mindfuck we had to go through 😭😭😭 OMG she would make my year if Ivy came back."

I mean, I did not like Ivy at all but even to me, this sounds like a good idea. 😂

And why not, let's rewrite everything and say that Ethan and Ivy planned all this to get rid of Calliope. 🤦‍♀️

MischaS_ Mahlogonolo wrote: "At this point I just wanna read about Donatella and her prince and their kingdom rather than this...how Ethan did Ivy ruined it for me. I'm team Liam and Melody all the way. By the way, I'm on page..."

From what I've been told Dona's book is on hold indefinitely. So, I would not expect it for years.

I mean, I loved Mel and Liam but after this book? Hard to care even for them. 🤷‍♀️ I think that the author never should have dragged them in the children's series.

Wow, page sixty... but honestly, not surprised. I got almost to the half of the book, thinking that nothing was happening, only to realise there will be yet another book.

Antonella MischaS_ wrote: "L wrote: "Yaaayyy. Let Ivy come back and erase all that mindfuck we had to go through 😭😭😭 OMG she would make my year if Ivy came back."

I mean, I did not like Ivy at all but even to me, this sound..."

Aziadée I’m honestly entertaining the idea that Ivy might come back. Everything’s possible. Because I can’t imagine how this might end 🤔🤔
And I loved Ivy and Ethan’s relationship. I’m rooting for them.

Aziadée 😂😂😂 at this point everything goes !!

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "L wrote: "Yaaayyy. Let Ivy come back and erase all that mindfuck we had to go through 😭😭😭 OMG she would make my year if Ivy came back."

I mean, I did not like Ivy at all but even ..."

Haha, I know, right?

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