MischaS_'s Reviews > Won't Get Fooled Again: A Graphic Guide To Fake News

Won't Get Fooled Again by Erin Steuter
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bookshelves: english, arc, disappointment

*Oh, I just noticed that this is my #750 review!*

Really conflicted here.
I love the message, but I do not like the rest.

Explaining all the issues of Fake News and what it involves, Media, Politics, how we get fooled, how media get fooled etc. This is a very strong point.
My favourite was IV Part which focused on the history of fake news; I just wish it was a bit more detailed.

However, I have to say that I disliked the art, and I found the text hard to read. As for the art, I expected something with a similar vibe to the cover. Plus, I did not entirely like the tone of the book. It is shelved as "nonfiction (Adult)", but I totally disagree. The way things were said and explained, I thought for a moment that it was targeted at a younger audience. It was just irritating.

Overall, I would probably rate this somewhere between 2,5 and 3 stars.

***Advance Review Copy generously provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
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Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Kelli (new)

Kelli Wilson Fair and honest review Mischa! That's all you can do!

MischaS_ Kelli wrote: "Fair and honest review Mischa! That's all you can do!"

Thank you so much. ���� That's all I ever try to do.

message 3: by Mort (new)

Mort First, congrats on 750 - great achievement!
Second, I think the 'fake news' probably has more impact in the US - I don't want to step on toes, but the culture (at least that's what the outside world sees) and opinions are led by the media. However - and I do see this in my own country as well - people can be so gullible, especially when things fall into their own believe system, that they are willing to ignore the facts.
Or, everything I just said could be fake news...depends on what you want to believe...

• Lindsey Dahling • Ugh. It's so unfortunate this book wasn't well done. It's a topic that needs to be explained clearly and thoroughly, art INCLUDED! Sigh.

message 5: by Diabolica (new)

Diabolica Congrats on review 750!

message 6: by Zain (new)

Zain Wow! 750 reviews, that’s excellent! I review everything I read but my kindle app doesn’t always post to my GR account. Sometimes I do the same review twice, but not always. Sometimes I’m just too tired 😴.

MischaS_ Mort wrote: "First, congrats on 750 - great achievement!
Second, I think the 'fake news' probably has more impact in the US - I don't want to step on toes, but the culture (at least that's what the outside worl..."

thank you. 🤗

While I agree that our problem with fake news is nowhere as serious as the one in the US... we still have one.
I personally do not encounter that many of them but I was so shocked seeing the kind of fake news the older generation was sharing between their friends during the last elections. 🤦‍♀️ Not that the younger ones do not share even worse things... which is more disheartening because they should have the means how to fact-check something.

And a huge yes on people being gullible... and unwilling to search for the truth. And when you try to show them the facts they call you rude etc. Somehow facts become a vulgar word to some.

MischaS_ • Lindsey Dahling • wrote: "Ugh. It's so unfortunate this book wasn't well done. It's a topic that needs to be explained clearly and thoroughly, art INCLUDED! Sigh."

Absolutely. ❤ The art was really a letdown.

MischaS_ Diabolica wrote: "Congrats on review 750!"

Oh, thank you so much.

MischaS_ Zain wrote: "Wow! 750 reviews, that’s excellent! I review everything I read but my kindle app doesn’t always post to my GR account. Sometimes I do the same review twice, but not always. Sometimes I’m just too t..."

Thank you so much... it was such a fun surprise to see the number. I now review everything I read but a huge number of books I've read remain without an interview... plus those I read before I joined GR are even missing from my read shelf.

message 11: by Diabolica (new)

Diabolica MischaS_ wrote: "Zain wrote: "Wow! 750 reviews, that’s excellent! I review everything I read but my kindle app doesn’t always post to my GR account. Sometimes I do the same review twice, but not always. Sometimes I..."

Omigosh I totally get it. Sometimes I look at the review number compared to the actual number of books I've read and think wow, I thought I reviewed more than that.

MischaS_ Diabolica wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Zain wrote: "Wow! 750 reviews, that’s excellent! I review everything I read but my kindle app doesn’t always post to my GR account. Sometimes I do the same review twice, but not al..."

Tell me about it... A bit depressing to be honest. 😂

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