Peter's Reviews > I Am Legend

I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: horror

Absolutely disturbing modern classic! Robert Nevile is the last human in town, maybe on earth. All others are infected and turned into vampires. You read how more and more got infected, how they were buried (this will give you nightmares). There was a pandemic (seems familiar in times like ours at the moment). Ben Cortman, colleague and neighbour who reminds him on Oliver Hardy (the comedian) shouts every evening he should come out. But Robert doesn't want to turn into one of them. He does research on the bacterium that transforms humans into vampires. He takes care of a dog. At some time a woman who calls herself Ruth, enters his dreadful life. Is she infected? At the end you'll come to know who says 'I am Legend' and what's the meaning behind. This is a fantastic, extremely well written book with a very serious message. I can highly recommend reading it. Great plot, great prose, compelling and several movie adaptions!
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Reading Progress

March 22, 2020 – Started Reading
March 22, 2020 – Shelved
March 23, 2020 – Shelved as: horror
March 23, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 63 (63 new)

Zainab Queen Great review Peter .
its so attractive book i wanna read it and see what monterious adventures and scaryness it holds

Peter Hi Zainab Queen, thank you very much. This book is definitely worth reading it even though it's very grim, melancholic and disturbing. But be warned it has a very depressing undercurrent. All the best and happy reading, Peter

Zainab Queen Thanks Peter.

Peter You're very welcome, Zainab Queen. This book can make you think very deeply. All the best, Peter

Justin Fantastic review Peter. I am legend is my favourite book, I've read it loads of times and never get bored of it

Peter Thank you very much, Justin. It was a brilliant read, much better than the movie. It's a very grim and serious book and I am glad that I finally read it. It was quite a shocking novel with quite an impact. All the best Peter

message 7: by Tom (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tom Quinn Richard Matheson is a titan of an author, and I think this is probably his greatest work.

Peter Hi Tom, thanks for your comment. He absolutely is. He is legend himself! I loved some of his short stories and will have to read more of his works. This book was outright brilliant. All the best, Peter

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Another excellent review Peter!!! Loved this book!!😉👍

Peter Thank you very much, Kat. It's the right book at the moment! All the best, Peter

message 11: by Luvtoread (new) - added it

Luvtoread Terrific review, Peter! I don't know why I haven't read this book yet, maybe because I have watched the movies (which are wonderful) too many times. Have you seen the old Vincent Price film "Last man on earth"? So good! And of course the more recent movie with Will Smith?

Peter Thank you very much, Luvtoread. I always put the book on hold but now the time was right for reading it. I only watched the Will Smith movie and missed the Vincent Price one. In my opinion the book is awesome. Different and far better than the Will Smith movie adaption. Very melancholic and depressing. I'm glad I finally read this important novel! Didn't expect that it is so good. All the best Peter

message 13: by Luvtoread (new) - added it

Luvtoread Thanks again, Peter! Now I know I must read this novel soon!!😊

Peter You're very welcome, Luvtoread. That's the right novel for the present time.... all the best and happy reading, Peter

message 15: by Sumit (new)

Sumit RK What a time to read this novel..Great Review!☺️

Peter Thank you very much, Sumit. I knew now is the time for it. The book was on my reader for a very long time but I was literally driven to it :-) All the best and happy reading, Peter

message 17: by Wera (new) - added it

Wera OHH I've been meaning to read this one! Glad you liked it!

Peter Hi Valliya, thanks for your comment. I wanted to read that book for ages and wasn't disappointed. Glad I finally read it. It's a very well written and intriguing book, a modern classic. To me it's far better than the movie. All the best and happy reading, Peter

Jorge Williams I've read it three times now and will undoubtedly read it again one day. Great stuff.

Peter Hi Jorge, thanks for the comment. Yes, it's great stuff and one of those books you can read for several times. It's very frightening though. Let's hope we never see a situation like described in the book for real. All the best and happy reading, Peter

Ahmed Rashwan Seems appropriate to give this a go at our current time Peter! Great review!

message 22: by Gerhard (new)

Gerhard Absolute classic. I was really not a fan of the 2007 Will Smith movie adaptation.

Peter Thank you very much, Ahmed. This is the ideal book for the current situation. I can really recommend reading it. All the best, Peter

Peter Hi Gerhard, fully agree with you. I liked the book a lot more than the Will Smith movie adaption. To be honest you can't compare book and movie. The book is brilliant and a modern must read. All the best Peter

message 25: by P.E. (new) - rated it 4 stars

P.E. I am just elated you enjoyed reading this classic, Peter :)

Peter Thank you very much for your comment P.E. I absolutely loved this book. Matheson is quite an extraordinary author. This story gave me the creeps. All the best Peter

message 27: by P.E. (last edited Apr 02, 2020 07:10AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

P.E. On a whole other level compared to the movie when it comes to the ending, eh? ;)

Peter Hi P.E. I've only seen the Will Smith movie and was disappointed. The movie was the reason I put that masterpiece for so long on the shelf. It was a great ending. Robert didn't fit into this new world order... very philosophical and plausible. Modern society would do the same with Jesus. All the best Peter

message 29: by Diane (new)

Diane Interesting...

Peter Hi Diane, absolutely. I can highly recommend this modern apocalyptic classic. The book describes a situation nobody ever wants to have. All the best Peter

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Great review Peter.

Peter Thank you very much, Stinky. This book has a lasting impression on your mind. A true classic. All the best Peter

message 33: by Laura (new)

Laura I have a copy of this on my TBR Shelves.

Peter Hi Laura, I also had this book for decades on my shelves. Now it's the perfect time to read it. All the best Peter

message 35: by Pepper (new)

Pepper Potts Hey Peter. Ive read the Book years ago and loved it. the Message was that catching, that i think of it till now. Do you have other recommendations from this author?

Peter Hi Pepper, great comment. I Am Legend is one of those books you can't get out of your head once read. I can also recommend Hell House, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet or the famous novella Duel (I guess it was the first movie by Steven Spielberg). There are many more novels and anthologies on my list from this great author like Somewhere in Time or The Shrinking Man. All the best and happy reading, Peter

message 37: by Pepper (new)

Pepper Potts Thx 😃 i will check it out 💪🏻

Peter You're very welcome, Pepper! At the moment I'm reading A Stir of Echoes and quite like it. Stephen King's prose definitely was influenced by Matheson. Matheson is awesome. All the best, Peter

Peter Thank you very much, Vaishnavi. This is an absolute modern classic written in great prose. All the best Peter

message 40: by Kelly (new)

Kelly Hayden Just ordered! Thank you for the review peter! Hope you are safe and well.

Peter Hi Kelly, that's great. You won't be disappointed by reading this classic. There is no better time for reading it than now. Yes, I'm safe and well. Hope you're fine too! I do pray that this terrible times are soon over. All the best Peter

message 42: by Laurie (new)

Laurie Great review. You peeked my interest. I just put a hold on it at the library and read up on the book and the author. How could I have missed this book for all these years? Thanks!

Peter Hi Laurie, wow, that's great, you're very welcome. Stephen King often refers to Richard Matheson as major influence on his writing. He definitely is. Such a master of prose. I also didn't pay much attention to his works but every single Matheson book is something very special. I'm also glad that I have found out how good Matheson is. All the best and happy reading, Peter

message 44: by Ish (new)

Ish Is this suitable for a 13yr old?

Peter Hi Ish, remembering back when I was that age I would say it's a bit early. You'll have more of this classic when you give a few more years :-) All the best Peter

message 46: by Zain (new)

Zain Well, I have a few books by Matheson, but somehow don’t have this one. I did see the movie with Will Smith. Pretty sure the book is better. It usually is. Love your review. 🙂

Peter Hi Zain, thank you very much! This book is an absolute classic. I know the movie and that was the reason I didn't read the book for such a long time. It's really worth reading it and far more impressive than the movie. Matheson is a very accomplished writer. I like his prose, style and subjects. This is one of his finest books. All the best Peter

message 48: by Kyle (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kyle Thanks for the great write up, Peter. I started the book today. Even though I had seen and read Richard Matheson's name in regards to The Twilight Zone, he fully caught my attention in regards to one of my favorite movies "Duel". I have yet to read the Matheson story of the same name. Have you read "Duel"?

Peter You're very welcome, Kyle. Good to hear that you started this fascinating classic. It's a terrifying dystopian novel that is ideal for the current situation we all live in. The book was on my shelf for many years and it's much better than the latest movie in my opinion. Duel is one of my favorite movies but I didn't read the story so far. It's also on my list for ages (next do Matheson's other works I already bought). Matheson is an extremely talented writer who influenced Stephen King a lot. His prose and his subjects are extremely interesting. You won't do wrong delving into Duel I guess. All the best and happy further reading Peter

message 50: by Kyle (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kyle Thank you, Peter. I havent read I am Legend for a few weeks. Speaking of Stephen King, I am Legeng gave way to 'Salem's Lot. I'm 70% into it. When I stepped back into I am Legend, I must have come upon flashback scenes. I wasn't sure where I was in the story. I'll finish 'Salem's Lot, and I'll return to I am Legend later. Speaking of dystopia, my previous read was The Running Man.

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