Gary's Reviews > An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
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People suggesting I read Adam Smith for an understanding of economic is something I find disgusting and offensive. Adam Smith was man who defended the very system of his time which allowed children as young as four or five to be sent down mines or up chimneys to horrific deaths. , worked women to death and made it legal for the bosses to rape them whenever they liked!
Adam Smith and Ludwig von Mises were therefore evil to the core!
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March 12, 2020 – Shelved

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message 1: by M.J. (new) - added it

M.J. Perry Be sure you read "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" as well. One should not be read without the other.

message 2: by Gary (new) - rated it 1 star

Gary M.J. wrote: "Be sure you read "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" as well. One should not be read without the other."
that one is also psycopathic crap

message 3: by M.J. (new) - added it

M.J. Perry I'm not going to argue with you I just believe they should be read together. I'm tired of people who read one without the other.

message 4: by Gary (new) - rated it 1 star

Gary He still supported a system where thousands of British children died in mines, factories, chimneys and workhouses in the name of ''free enterprise''

Benzion Chinn Where in Smith do you get the idea that Smith wanted children to die in mines? This was happening in Scotland before Smith under a highly non free enterprise system. Imagine if my review of Marx was that he supported gulags. Would you say that I was reading in good faith?

Benzion Chinn It is not so clear what Smith thought about government welfare or laws to protect workers. His main target was mercantilism, the main force behind imperialism.

message 7: by Gary (new) - rated it 1 star

Gary He may not have wanted children to die in mines buyt he opposed government intervening to prevent this happening. All libertarians today see free markets as more important than human life the same way Trotksy, Mao etc saw their ideology as more important than human life

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

there would be less rape in absence of market freedom?

message 9: by Samuel (new)

Samuel Black Guy had an idea that some people used incorrectly, therefore he himself has blood on his hands. So therefore Marx, Darwin, Einstein, etc. must also have been horrible people right? Because some other people used their ideas in ways which they could never foresee and would never want?

Keith I can't say anything about rates of rape and market freedom, but I sure feel like the government rapes me everyday.

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