Matthew's Reviews > Life

Life by Keith Richards
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2020, non-fiction, biography, audio, library, favorites

I have liked the Rolling Stones for a long time. I remember going to see them back when I was in high school on the Voodoo Lounge tour (2004 – and I thought they seemed old back then!). But, I will say while I enjoyed them, I was more of a casual fan. However, in the past couple of years I have become obsessed. I am sad that it took me this long because while many successful bands have a few great songs here and there, the Stones have one of the best collections of music of any band I have ever enjoyed. I can honestly say they have over 100 songs that I would enjoy listening to at any moment. The next band behind them might have 20 at the most.

I am going this summer to see them again! I can’t wait!

Many will put the Beatles up against the Rolling Stones. For me, it is no contest . . . by a long shot. The Stones ALL THE WAY!

Due to my recent obsession I was excited to check out this autobiography by Keith Richards. I will say that unless you are as into the Stones as I currently am or you really enjoy any music history, I don’t know if you will like this or not. So, be sure you base your response on whether to check this book out or not on that in addition to my review.

I thought this book was phenomenal! I enjoyed every single second of this book. Even when Richards was discussing music theory that went way over my head, I loved it. I feel like you could turn the story of Richards’ live into a fantastic movie. He had so many different things that happened in both his life and with the Stones: death, drugs, travels, relationships, controversy, feuds, successes, failures, etc. This was quite a long book and it needed every page to fit it all in!

Note on the audiobook: I think this may be a case where listening to the book will greatly enhance the experience. A few sections are read by Johnny Depp and the final part of the book is read by Richards himself. However, MAJOR KUDOS to Joe Hurley for his narration – his delivery was perfect! I am sad to see that this appears to be the only book he has narrated as I would love to hear more from him.

Many joke that Keef (his famous nickname) has been around forever and, when the world ends it will just be some cockroaches and Richards. You know, I kind of hope this is true because I think the world is a better place with a colorful character like him in it!

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Reading Progress

February 18, 2020 – Started Reading
February 18, 2020 – Shelved
February 18, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
February 18, 2020 – Shelved as: non-fiction
February 18, 2020 – Shelved as: biography
February 18, 2020 – Shelved as: audio
February 18, 2020 – Shelved as: library
February 18, 2020 –
0% "Elvis"
February 19, 2020 –
0% "Amplifiers"
February 20, 2020 –
0% "Dean Martin"
February 21, 2020 –
0% "Mr. Steal Yo' Girl"
February 21, 2020 –
0% "Junkies"
February 22, 2020 –
0% "After Altamont"
February 24, 2020 –
0% "Exile"
February 24, 2020 –
0% "Contraband"
February 25, 2020 –
0% "Rehab and Some Girls"
February 26, 2020 –
0% "Chuck Berry"
February 26, 2020 –
0% "Safari"
February 28, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites
February 28, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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message 1: by Cassie (new)

Cassie I might get this book. I never seen the rolling stones in concert before...

message 2: by Lea (new)

Lea I'm not a big stones fan (since you brought up the beatles comparism, Beatles all the way) but this has been on my tbr for a long time. Thanks for the reminder to pick it up!

Matthew Cassie wrote: "I might get this book. I never seen the rolling stones in concert before..."

Enjoy if you do! You say you have not seen them in concert, but do you like their music?

Matthew Lea wrote: "I'm not a big stones fan (since you brought up the beatles comparism, Beatles all the way) but this has been on my tbr for a long time. Thanks for the reminder to pick it up!"

Not a Stones fan!? BEGONE! ;) ;) ;)

Well, despite your poor decision making, I hope you enjoy if you give this one a try! :D :D :D

(And, I am hoping my teasing is coming through well without you being able to hear the inflection . . .)

message 5: by Majenta (new)

Majenta ;)

Matthew Majenta wrote: ";)"


message 7: by Susan (new)

Susan Liston I saw them live and couldn't believe Mick could still hop around like that when he was so old. It was 1975.

Matthew Susan wrote: "I saw them live and couldn't believe Mick could still hop around like that when he was so old. It was 1975."

HA! Yeah - seems like they have been old forever! Whether it is 1975 or 2004 - I cannot imagine how they will seem this summer!

Melanie Your review is wonderful Matthew 😎! Does the book justice.

Ready to rock this spring! You will be amazed with Jagger's athleticism. How he does all the dancing and running at his age is amazing compared to anyone I know at 76!

message 10: by Matthew (last edited Mar 09, 2020 07:40AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matthew Melanie wrote: "Your review is wonderful Matthew 😎! Does the book justice.

Ready to rock this spring! You will be amazed with Jagger's athleticism. How he does all the dancing and running at his age is amazing co..."

Thanks, Melanie!

Yes! I am ready to rock! I am hoping that concert season goes off without a hitch this year (people reading this comment years from now may wonder why I am saying this, so, one word - Coronavirus). I need to see this show!!!!

Matthew I am sad because at this point the Stones concert I have tickets for as been postponed. Hoping it even ever ends up happening! :(

Melanie Matthew wrote: "I am sad because at this point the Stones concert I have tickets for as been postponed. Hoping it even ever ends up happening! :("

Keep your hopes up! I follow Jagger on instgram and he just posted a picture of of himself playing guitar. It says, "rehearsing in quarantine". To me that says they're coming! My tickets are so excellent I will be crushed - nope I won't even type it !

message 13: by Matthew (last edited Apr 13, 2020 01:07PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matthew Melanie wrote: "Matthew wrote: "I am sad because at this point the Stones concert I have tickets for as been postponed. Hoping it even ever ends up happening! :("

Keep your hopes up! I follow Jagger on instgram a..."

Which city are you? I know the later dates in the tour are not affected yet. I just hope that whenever the schedule it for I can still go - the date they had it on was perfect! (UPDATE: Just checked and it now looks like the whole tour is postponed - I was thinking it was just certain dates before, but I am not sure)

I have a concert I am supposed to fly to Seattle for in June. I am wondering about that one, too.

Melanie Matthew wrote: "Melanie wrote: "Matthew wrote: "I am sad because at this point the Stones concert I have tickets for as been postponed. Hoping it even ever ends up happening! :("

Keep your hopes up! I follow Jagg..."

I'm in Minneapolis. Our show was supposed to be May 16. You sound like me - last year I flew to Denver to see The Stones. It was rescheduled because of Mick's heart surgery. I was so nervous because I had 2 other concerts in Mpls I had tickets for and was worried about all the dates. It ended up fine and I went to The Stones, Santana and John Meyer all within a couple months. Then I went to Vegas to see Clapton in September. The year before I went to London to see The Stones with my 19 year old niece (she LOVED it). Then a few months later I went back to London to the British Summer Time Music Festival and saw a show with Lukas Nelson, Gary Clark, Jr, Steve Winwood, Santana and Eric Clapton.

Who are you flying to see in Seattle? We can't have this quarantine stuff, there is live music to enjoy!

Matthew Melanie wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Melanie wrote: "Matthew wrote: "I am sad because at this point the Stones concert I have tickets for as been postponed. Hoping it even ever ends up happening! :("

Keep your hopes u..."

Wow - you are living the life! I am jealous!

I am supposed to go see the Alanis Morrissette Jagged Little Pill 25th Anniversary show. The kick off is in Portland, Oregon, but I was going to fly and meet my friend in Seattle and then drive down for it. Garbage is opening. I saw both Garbage and Alanis back in the 90s.

Trips I have already cancelled due to Coronavirus

- Vegas/Mesquite, Nevada for March Madness
- Orlando - Disney/Spring Break
- Greenville, SC - Wedding
- Cincinnati, OH - Baseball game
- Louisville, KY - Rolling Stones

Trips in jeopardy
- Seattle/Portland - Alanis/Garbage
- July Caribbean Cruise
- Fall break trip to Gatlinburg

This was supposed to be a big, awesome travel year for me! F%$# COVID-19

message 16: by Lori (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lori Fab u lous rock and roll biography! Keef is one of my favorite rock fossils ;) .I saw the Stones Voodoo Lounge tour in Philly and they were great!

Matthew Lori wrote: "Fab u lous rock and roll biography! Keef is one of my favorite rock fossils ;) .I saw the Stones Voodoo Lounge tour in Philly and they were great!"

Awesome! That means you saw them right around the same time I did!

message 18: by Louise (new) - added it

Louise Rodgers Quite the story. I saw the Stones in Toronto at SARS -fest.

message 19: by Ricky (new)

Ricky McConnell I too love the Stones, great band, love Keith's guitar work !

Matthew Louise wrote: "Quite the story. I saw the Stones in Toronto at SARS -fest."

Very cool! What is SARS-fest? Sounds dangerous considering our current situation!

Matthew Ricky wrote: "I too love the Stones, great band, love Keith's guitar work !"

Just such great music to put in the background and chill to. While I was reading this, I listened to their first 8 or so earliest albums straight through and not a dud in the bunch!

Melanie Matthew wrote: "Melanie wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Melanie wrote: "Matthew wrote: "I am sad because at this point the Stones concert I have tickets for as been postponed. Hoping it even ever ends up happening! :("


Ooo, you do have a lot of plans! I will keep my fingers crossed for The Stones and also for your travel plans 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Melanie Lori wrote: "Fab u lous rock and roll biography! Keef is one of my favorite rock fossils ;) .I saw the Stones Voodoo Lounge tour in Philly and they were great!"

I LOVE the term "rock fossil". 😂 I am going to use that!

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) I read this while researching a documentary I was developing about the pioneers of the music industry. Needless to say Keith is among them though the producers, studios and record labels had equally if not more to do with their fame

Matthew Jonathan wrote: "I read this while researching a documentary I was developing about the pioneers of the music industry. Needless to say Keith is among them though the producers, studios and record labels had equall..."

I did like how Keith included a lot of people who were behind the scenes on his journey.

Matthew Last night I was supposed to see the Stones in Louisville . . .

Closet Rebel I am not big into autobiographies but this book was surprisingly great.

BTW - My first live Stones show was 1978 or 79 at the Pontiac Silverdome. Had main floor general admission. Being 18ish I muscled my way to the front. Stones right there in front of me - they seemed fairly old then.

I had a cheap little 110 camera and took some amazing photos. I brought the photos back up to college and someone swiped them. Now I just have memories. Saw them about 5 times after that but never so close again.

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