MischaS_'s Reviews > Deal with the Devil

Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha
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bookshelves: english, arc

***Advance Review Copy generously provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***

Wow, I cannot believe that it's been two years since I've read the last Kit Rocha book.

To be honest, I had a bit of a hard time with this book. The idea is good. It's set in the same post-apo/dystopian world as the Beyond series. But except for the Flares, there is very little in common. It takes place in a different part of America, and I could not find any direct reference to the previous series. (Meaning, I did not notice any mention of the character from the Beyond series. But if I missed some and you find any, please, let me know! I was really curious to see if there would be some.)

While the world and the story were not a problem, the characters were. I could not connect with any of them. They seemed like vaguely similar to some characters from the Beyond series but way less fleshed out. I did not like any of them. I did not dislike any of them. I just did not really care about them in a way. As if they were just shells, a mirror reflection. Something was missing from them.

I wanted to write a couple of sentences for each character, but then I realised that there is nothing much I have to say about them. (view spoiler)

So, while I said that the story was good, I also have to say that it was somewhat predictable. The twist? It just felt like the foreshadowing was done by Hulk. (view spoiler)

And while in the past I read Kit Rocha's books mainly when I wanted to just relax, I still enjoyed them very much. Because the characters were fun and the writing was well-done, it just drew you to the story, and I was missing this here a bit. Sometimes I just read a chapter, and then I stopped for two days. I have to say that sometimes I caught myself skimming through certain parts just to make some progress.

I don't want to say that this is a bad book. More of an okay book. I'm not angry or even disappointed by it. It's more of the same case as with the characters. I don't necessarily care. And while I give this three stars, I do not think I will continue reading this series.
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February 7, 2020 – Started Reading
February 9, 2020 – Shelved
February 9, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Another excellent review MischaS!!😉💋👍💖

MischaS_ Kat wrote: "Another excellent review MischaS!!😉💋👍💖"

Oh, thank you so much... I wrote it right after finishing, so, I was a bit unsure if it will be good.

message 3: by Monique (new)

Monique Great review, Mischa! I had high hopes for this new series. Too bad to hear it's not that good. I'll probably give it a try but I agree with you, that if characters are not well written, I can't connect with the story.

MischaS_ Monique wrote: "Great review, Mischa! I had high hopes for this new series. Too bad to hear it's not that good. I'll probably give it a try but I agree with you, that if characters are not well written, I can't co..."

Thank you so much! I did as well. I used to love the Beyond series so much!
I hope that you'll like it more than I did if you read it.

JenMcJ This book is what happens when authors get involved with big publishers.

JenMcJ Oh, and the nod I found to the Beyond series was just when Knox grabs a bottle of whiskey with the label from their distillery> Unfortunately, I was super interested in how the whiskey was getting to Atlanta from the Sectors. Sadly, I was more interested in that answer than this story to a point. :(

MischaS_ JenMcJ wrote: "This book is what happens when authors get involved with big publishers."

Absolutely. And they basically abandoned the previous series 🤷‍♀️ hardly think I'll go back to it.

MischaS_ JenMcJ wrote: "Oh, and the nod I found to the Beyond series was just when Knox grabs a bottle of whiskey with the label from their distillery> Unfortunately, I was super interested in how the whiskey was getting ..."

Really? Did not notice that. Was it just that he took a whiskey or was the logo described?

JenMcJ MischaS_ wrote: "Really? Did not notice that. Was it just that he took a whiskey or was the logo described?."

The logo was described. Skull and crossbones and from far away, hard to get so the rich people coveted it.

It was toward the end when Knox had to grovel

JenMcJ I gave it three stars too, but I feel like that was generous.


MischaS_ JenMcJ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Really? Did not notice that. Was it just that he took a whiskey or was the logo described?."

The logo was described. Skull and crossbones and from far away, hard to get so the ric..."

Wow, totally missed that. Thank you for the info. But then again, I wonder as you do how the box got there. 🤦‍♀️

Sheila Omg. These were my exact feelings. I didn't hate it I didn't love it either.

MischaS_ Sheila wrote: "Omg. These were my exact feelings. I didn't hate it I didn't love it either."

I didn't hate it I didn't love it either --> this is very much spot on. I just did not care about the book. Very bland.

Starfire I squeed out loud when I spotted the reference to O'Kane liquor. I wasn't expecting it to be set in the same world as the Beyond-verse, so hitting that little tie-in when I got to it just made my day :-)

MischaS_ Starfire wrote: "I squeed out loud when I spotted the reference to O'Kane liquor. I wasn't expecting it to be set in the same world as the Beyond-verse, so hitting that little tie-in when I got to it just made my d..."

Haha, it's always great to get a little glimpse of our faves. 😂 I don't know why but I always sort of assumed that it would be set in the same universe... maybe the authors said it somewhere. 🤷‍♀️

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