MischaS_'s Reviews > Drawing: Faces & Expressions: Learn to draw step by step

Drawing by Diane Cardaci
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it was ok
bookshelves: arc, english, crafts, expected-something-else

***Advance Review Copy generously provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***

I'm honestly disappointed. I already read several books from this edition most were a great hit with me others not so much. This definitely goes to the bottom of these books.

I believe this is one of the shortest I've read, which is rather disappointing. Mainly because there is not enough space for anything and this is trying to explain drawing not only faces but also different expressions. And I think it sort of fails at both. If this book were dedicated to only one of those, I would give it a better rating, but like this, I cannot.

Especially page 16, which shows different expressions meaning six is very bad. Those drawing are so bad that I have no idea why they are used to show anything at all! It features sadness, laughter, rage, fear, disgust and surprise, but it only includes a short description like "with this emotion, the eyes are enlarged etc.". So not really helpful. And then it closely shows how to draw different "faces" or whatever to call it. All Smiles. Deep in thought. At ease. Aging beauty. And all look very much the same with minor differences.

I do not believe this is good for beginners because it's so brief that it cannot teach them anything.
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Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Shelley's Book Nook I am thankful for your honest review, Mischa. I envy anyone who has any sort of crafty, artist talent.

MischaS_ ʚϊɞ Shelley ʚϊɞ wrote: "I am thankful for your honest review, Mischa. I envy anyone who has any sort of crafty, artist talent."

Thank you so much. I would not say that I have a talent per se it's more of me wanting to be good at drawing and painting? My mum would probably call it stubbornness. 😂

message 3: by Mort (new)

Mort The sad thing is those faces were drawn perfectly. Next time they should tell the model to stay away from Botox, right?

MischaS_ Mort wrote: "The sad thing is those faces were drawn perfectly. Next time they should tell the model to stay away from Botox, right?"

Next time they should get human models not some sort of goblins from LOTR cast.

message 5: by Mort (new)

Mort MischaS_ wrote: "Mort wrote: "The sad thing is those faces were drawn perfectly. Next time they should tell the model to stay away from Botox, right?"

Next time they should get human models not some sort of goblin..."

So I take it it wasn't the sexy goblin...?

MischaS_ Mort wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Mort wrote: "The sad thing is those faces were drawn perfectly. Next time they should tell the model to stay away from Botox, right?"

Next time they should get human models not so..."

there was a sexy goblin in LOTR? what did I miss? Or rather you might have an interesting concept of beauty? Either way, the answer is no.

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